冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第629期:第二十九章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   It is all the king's justice, Ned told him. "North, south, east, or west, all we do we do in Robert's name." “这些当然与国王有关,”奈德告诉他,“不论东西南北,我们均以劳勃之名行事。”

  The king's justice, Grand Maester Pycelle said. "So it is, and so we should defer this matter until the king-" “和国王有关,”派席尔大学士说,“此话有理,那么我们该等国王回来再行商——”
  The king is hunting across the river and may not return for days, Lord Eddard said. “国王此刻正在河对岸打猎,可能好几天都不会回来。”艾德公爵说,
  "Robert bid me to sit here in his place, to listen with his ears, and to speak with his voice. “劳勃要我暂代他处理国事,用他的耳朵倾听,用他的声音说话,
  I mean to do just that...though I agree that he must be told." 而我将谨遵其意……但我同意应该要知会他。”
  He saw a familiar face beneath the tapestries. "Sir Robar." 他在壁毡下看到一张熟悉的脸孔。“罗拔爵士。”
  Sir Robar Royce stepped forward and bowed. "My lord." 罗拔·罗伊斯爵士前跨一步,鞠躬道:“大人,您有何吩咐?”
  Your father is hunting with the king, Ned said. "Will you bring them word of what was said and done here today?" At once, my lord. “令尊与国王陛下一道外出狩猎,”奈德说,“可否请你将今日之事通报他们?”“大人,我这就去办。”
  Do we have your leave to take our vengeance against Sir Gregor, then? Marq Piper asked the throne. “那我们是不是这就可找格雷果爵士报一箭之仇?”马柯·派柏询问摄政。
  Vengeance? Ned said. "I thought we were speaking of justice. “报仇?”奈德说,“我以为我们谈的是主持正义。
  Burning Clegane's fields and slaughtering his people will not restore the king's peace, only your injured pride."  到克里冈的封地放火杀人并不会恢复王国境内的和平,只能稍稍弥补你受损的自尊。”
  He glanced away before the young knight could voice his outraged protest, and addressed the villagers.  愤怒的年轻骑士还来不及反驳,他便转开视线,对那群村民说,
  "People of Sherrer, I cannot give you back your homes or your crops, nor can I restore your dead to life. “榭尔的居民们,我无法归还你们的家园和你们的作物,更不能将死者复生。
  But perhaps I can give you some small measure of justice, in the name of our king, Robert." 但或许我能以我们的国王劳勃之名,还你们一个迟来的公道。”