冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第632期:第二十九章 艾德(15)(在线收听

   I denounce him, and attaint him, and strip him of all rank and titles, of all lands and incomes and holdings, and do sentence him to death. 衔,收回其一切封地、赋税和房产,并明令处之以死刑。

  May the gods take pity on his soul." 我在此宣告,从今以后,褫夺其一切官阶与职愿天上诸神怜悯他的灵魂。”

  When the echo of his words had died away, the Knight of Flowers seemed perplexed. "Lord Eddard, what of me?" 余音渐落之后,百花骑士神情困惑地问:“艾德大人,那我该做什么?”

  Ned looked down on him. From on high, Loras Tyrell seemed almost as young as Robb. 奈德低头看着他。居高临下,洛拉斯·提利尔看起来就和罗柏一样年轻。

  "No one doubts your valor, Sir Loras, but we are about justice here, and what you seek is vengeance." “洛拉斯爵士,没有人怀疑您的勇武,然而我们今天谈的是律法和正义,你要的却是报仇雪恨。

  He looked back to Lord Beric. "Ride at first light. These things are best done quickly." He held up a hand.  ”他转向贝里伯爵说,“明天天亮就出发,这事最好尽快处理。”语毕他举起手。

  "The throne will hear no more petitions today." “今天的请愿到此为止。”

  Alyn and Porther climbed the steep iron steps to help him back down. 埃林和波瑟爬上陡峻狭窄的铁台阶,搀扶他下去。

  As they made their descent, he could feel Loras Tyrell's sullen stare, but the boy had stalked away before Ned reached the floor of the throne room. 步下阶梯时,奈德感觉得出洛拉斯·提利尔愠怒的瞪视,然而等他回到地面,那男孩已经走了。

  At the base of the Iron Throne, Varys was gathering papers from the council table.  铁王座下方,瓦里斯正忙着收拾议事桌上散乱的文件。

  Littlefinger and Grand Maester Pycelle had already taken their leave. 小指头和派席尔国师已先行离去。

  "You are a bolder man than I, my lord," the eunuch said softly. “大人,您的胆子可比我大多了。”太监轻声说。
