冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第634期:第三十章 珊莎(1)(在线收听

   Sansa. He wouldn’t send Sir Loras," Sansa told Jeyne Poole that night as they shared a cold supper by lamplight. 珊莎。“他竟然不肯派洛拉斯爵士去,”当晚她们一同就着油灯、吃冰冷的晚餐时,珊莎把这件事告诉珍妮·普尔。

  "I think it was because of his leg." “我觉得一定是他脚受伤的关系。”
  Lord Eddard had taken his supper in his bedchamber with Alyn, Harwin, and Vayon Poole, the better to rest his broken leg,  为了休养腿伤,艾德大人在他的卧房里与埃林、哈尔温和维扬·普尔共进晚餐,
  and Septa Mordane had complained of sore feet after standing in the gallery all day. 而茉丹修女在走廊上站了整天,抱怨起两脚酸痛,没有出来用饭。
  Arya was supposed to join them, but she was late coming back from her dancing lesson. 本来艾莉亚该跟她们一起吃,但她上舞蹈课还没回来。
  His leg? Jeyne said uncertainly. She was a pretty, dark-haired girl of Sansa’s own age. “他脚受伤?”珍妮不确定地说。她和珊莎同龄,是个可爱的黑发女孩。
  "Did Sir Loras hurt his leg?" “洛拉斯爵士脚受伤了?”
  Not his leg, Sansa said, nibbling delicately at a chicken leg. “不是他的腿,”珊莎边说边优雅地咬着鸡腿。
  "Father’s leg, silly. It hurts him ever so much, it makes him cross. “傻瓜,是我父亲的腿。你看他痛得那么厉害,连脾气也暴躁起来了。
  Otherwise I’m certain he would have sent Sir Loras." 不然我想他一定会派洛拉斯爵士去的。”
  Her father’s decision still bewildered her. 父亲的决定令她颇感困惑。
  When the Knight of Flowers had spoken up, she’d been sure she was about to see one of Old Nan’s stories come to life. 百花骑士发言的时候,她本以为自己就要亲眼见到老奶妈的故事成真。
  Sir Gregor was the monster and Sir Loras the true hero who would slay him. 格雷果爵士是怪兽,而洛拉斯爵士则是真正的英雄,定会将之斩杀。
  He even looked a true hero, so slim and beautiful, with golden roses around his slender waist and his rich brown hair tumbling down into his eyes. 他那么纤瘦美丽,黄金玫瑰围绕着纤细腰身,浓密的棕发坠进双眼,活脱脱就是真英雄的模样。
  And then Father had refused him! 结果父亲竟一口回绝了他!
  It had upset her more than she could tell. 她气得说不出话来。
  She had said as much to Septa Mordane as they descended the stairs from the gallery,  事后她和茉丹修女从长廊走下楼梯时,她忍不住说出自己的想法,
  but the septa had only told her it was not her place to question her lord father’s decisions. 但修女却说她不该过问父亲的决定。