冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第635期:第三十章 珊莎(2)(在线收听

   That was when Lord Baelish had said, "Oh, I don’t know, Septa. 这时一旁的贝里席伯爵接口道:“哎,修女,我也弄不明白,

  Some of her lord father’s decisions could do with a bit of questioning. 只觉得她父亲大人有些决策可以再深思熟虑一些。
  The young lady is as wise as she is lovely." 我看您家小姐的睿智不输她的美貌。”
  He made a sweeping bow to Sansa, so deep she was not quite sure if she was being complimented or mocked. 说完他向珊莎深深鞠躬,弯腰的程度反而让珊莎怀疑他究竟是在恭维还是讥讽。
  Septa Mordane had been very upset to realize that Lord Baelish had overheard them. 茉丹修女发现她们的谈话内容被贝里席大人听见,非常不悦。
  "The girl was just talking, my lord," she’d said. "Foolish chatter. She meant nothing by the comment." “大人,这孩子只是随便说说,”她说,“不过是瞎说话,没什么特别意思。”
  Lord Baelish stroked his little pointed beard and said, "Nothing? Tell me, child, why would you have sent Sir Loras?" 贝里席大人捻捻尖胡子,“没有?孩子,告诉我,为什么你觉得应该派洛拉斯爵士去呢?”
  Sansa had no choice but to explain about heroes and monsters.  珊莎别无选择,只好把英雄和怪兽那套和盘托出。
  The king’s councillor smiled. "Well, those are not the reasons I’d have given, but..."  国王的重臣微笑道:“呵,这可不是我的理由,不过……”
  He had touched her cheek, his thumb lightly tracing the line of a cheekbone. 他碰了碰她脸颊,手指轻轻划过颧骨轮廓。
  "Life is not a song, sweetling.  “小可爱,人生不比歌谣。
  You may learn that one day to your sorrow." 有朝一日,你可能会大失所望。”
  Sansa did not feel like telling all that to Jeyne, however; it made her uneasy just to think back on it. 珊莎觉得没必要把这席话也告诉珍妮,光想想就够让她不安了。
  Sir Ilyn’s the King’s Justice, not Sir Loras, Jcyne said. "Lord Eddard should have sent him." “国王的执法官是伊林爵士,不是洛拉斯爵士,”珍妮说,“艾德大人应该派他去才对。”
  Sansa shuddered. Every time she looked at Sir Ilyn Payne, she shivered. 珊莎听了不禁发起抖来。每次她见到伊林·派恩爵士,总是无法克制地颤抖,
  He made her feel as though something dead were slithering over her naked skin.  仿佛有什么死掉的东西在贴着皮肤滑动。
  "Sir Ilyn’s almost like a second monster.  “伊林爵士也跟怪兽没两样。
  I’m glad Father didn’t pick him." 我很高兴父亲没选他去。”