冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第639期:第三十章 珊莎(6)(在线收听

   Alyn carried the Stark banner. 埃林高举着史塔克家族的旗帜。

  When she saw him rein in beside Lord Beric to exchange words, it made Sansa feel ever so proud. 当她看见他在贝里伯爵身边勒住马缰,与之交谈的时候,珊莎觉得好骄傲。
  Alyn was handsomer than Jory had been; he was going to be a knight one day. 埃林比乔里英俊多了,有朝一日他必会当上骑士。
  The Tower of the Hand seemed so empty after they left that Sansa was even pleased to see Arya when she went down to break her fast. 少了他们,首相塔显得空荡荡的,因此珊莎下楼吃早餐时,看到艾莉亚也觉得很高兴。
  "Where is everyone?" her sister wanted to know as she ripped the skin from a blood orange. “大家都上哪儿去了?”妹妹一边剥开血橙的皮,一边问,
  "Did Father send them to hunt down Jaime Lannister?" “父亲派他们去追捕詹姆·兰尼斯特了吗?”
  Sansa sighed. "They rode with Lord Beric, to behead Sir Gregor Clegane." 珊莎叹了口气。“他们是跟贝里大人一同去砍格雷果·克里冈爵士项上人头的,
  She turned to Septa Mordane, who was eating porridge with a wooden spoon. ”她转头望着正用木匙舀燕麦粥吃的茉丹修女。
  "Septa, will Lord Beric spike Sir Gregor's head on his own gate or bring it back here for the king?" “修女,贝里大人会把格雷果爵士的头挂在他家城门上,还是带回来给国王呢?”
  She and Jeyne Poole had been arguing over that last night. 昨晚她和珍妮·普尔为此争论了半天。
  The septa was horror-struck. 修女一脸惊恐。
  "A lady does not discuss such things over her porridge. “官家小姐吃饭时怎么能讨论这种事?
  Where are your courtesies, Sansa? 珊莎,你的礼貌到哪里去了?
  I swear, of late you've been near as bad as your sister." 我敢对天发誓,最近你快变得跟你妹妹一样坏了。”
  What did Gregor do? Arya asked. “格雷果怎么啦?”艾莉亚问。
  He burned down a holdfast and murdered a lot of people, women and children too. “他烧毁了一座村庄,杀了很多人,其中还包括女人和小孩。”
  Arya screwed up her face in a scowl.  艾莉亚的脸皱成一团。
  "Jaime Lannister murdered Jory and Heward and Wyl, and the Hound murdered Mycah. “詹姆·兰尼斯特杀了乔里、海华和韦尔,猎狗杀了米凯,
  Somebody should have beheaded them." 也该有人去砍他们的头。”
  It's not the same, Sansa said. "The Hound is Joffrey's sworn shield. Your butcher's boy attacked the prince." “那不一样,”珊莎说,“猎狗是宣誓保护乔佛里的贴身护卫,而你那杀猪小弟出手攻击王子。”