冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第644期:第三十章 珊莎(11)(在线收听

   She tried to smile bravely for him. 为了他的缘故,她试着勇敢地微笑。

  "I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Sir Florian. “我爱他,父亲,真的,就像奈丽诗王后爱龙骑士伊蒙王子,琼琪爱佛罗理安那样爱他。
  I want to be his queen and have his babies." 我想做他的王后,为他生孩子。”
  Sweet one, her father said gently, "listen to me. “我亲爱的孩子,”父亲轻声说,“听我说,
  When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. 等你长大,我会帮你找个最配得上你的贵族,既勇敢又温柔又强壮。
  This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake.  和乔佛里的这桩婚事是个可怕的错误。
  That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me." 那小子可不是伊蒙王子,你得相信我。”
  He is! Sansa insisted. "I don't want someone brave and gentle, I want him. “他当然是!”珊莎坚持,“我才不要什么勇敢温柔又强壮的人,我只要他。
  We'll be ever so happy, just like in the songs, you'll see. 我们会像歌谣里唱的那样,永远过着幸福快乐的生活,你到时候就知道了。
  I'll give him a son with golden hair, and one day he'll be the king of all the realm, 我要帮他生个金发儿子,有朝一日他会成为一国之君,
  the greatest king that ever was, as brave as the wolf and as proud as the lion." 有史以来最伟大的国王,像奔狼一样勇敢,如雄狮一般骄傲。”
  Arya made a face.  艾莉亚做了个鬼脸。
  "Not if Joffrey's his father," she said. "He's a liar and a craven and anyhow he's a stag, not a lion." “有乔佛里当老爸不可能啦,”她说,“他既是骗子又是胆小鬼,更何况他是鹿,不是狮子。”
  Sansa felt tears in her eyes.  珊莎眼里都是泪水。
  "He is not! He's not the least bit like that old drunken king," she screamed at her sister, forgetting herself in her grief. “他才不是!他一点都不像那酒鬼国王。”她对着妹妹尖叫,悲伤之余完全忘记了礼节。
  Father looked at her strangely.  父亲眼神怪异地看着她。
  "Gods," he swore softly, "out of the mouth of babes..." He shouted for Septa Mordane.  “诸神啊,”他轻声咒道,“这话竟从小孩子口中说出来……”他高呼修女进门,
  To the girls he said, "I am looking for a fast trading galley to take you home. 然后对两个女孩说:“我打算让你们搭快速商船回家。