冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第646期:第三十一章 艾德(1)(在线收听

   Eddard. Pain is a gift from the gods, Lord Eddard," Grand Maester Pycelle told him. 艾德。“艾德大人,痛觉是天上诸神的恩赐啊,”派席尔大学士告诉他,

  "It means the bone is knitting, the flesh healing itself. Be thankful." “这代表骨头正在逐渐接合,伤口也快要痊愈,您该心存感激才是。”
  "I will be thankful when my leg stops throbbing." “等何时我脚不痛了,再来感激也不迟。”
  Pycelle set a stoppered flask on the table by the bed. 派席尔把塞上瓶盖的药罐放在床边的桌上。
  "The milk of the poppy, for when the pain grows too onerous." “这是罂粟花奶,痛得太厉害的时候喝。”
  "I sleep too much already." “我已经睡得太多。”
  "Sleep is the great healer." “睡眠是最好的医生。”
  "I had hoped that was you." “我以为好医生是你。”
  Pycelle smiled wanly. "It is good to see you in such a fierce humor, my lord." 派席尔满脸倦容地微笑。“大人,很高兴看到您还这么幽默。”
  He leaned close and lowered his voice. 他靠过来低声说,
  "There was a raven this morning, a letter for the queen from her lord father.  “今天早上来了只渡鸦,带来王后她父亲大人的信。
  I thought you had best know." 我想最好让您知道。”
  Dark wings, dark words, Ned said grimly. "What of it?" “黑色的翅膀,黑色的消息。”奈德阴沉地说:“信上怎么说?”
  Lord Tywin is greatly wroth about the men you sent after Sir Gregor Clegane, the maester confided. “泰温大人对您派人去逮捕格雷果·克里冈一事极为愤概。”大学士悄声对他说,
  "I feared he would be. You will recall, I said as much in council." “这正好印证我的担心,您应该记得,当初我在朝廷上也提醒过您。”
  Let him be wroth, Ned said. “让他去愤概。”奈德说。
  Every time his leg throbbed, he remembered Jaime Lannister's smile, and Jory dead in his arms. 每当他脚伤抽痛,他便会想起詹姆·兰尼斯特的微笑,以及乔里死在他怀中的景况。
  "Let him write all the letters to the queen he likes. “他爱写什么给王后是他的事。
  Lord Beric rides beneath the king's own banner.  贝里伯爵打的是国王的旗号,执行的是国王的律法,
  If Lord Tywin attempts to interfere with the king's justice, he will have Robert to answer to. 要是泰温大人敢插手干预,那他就得向劳勃负责。
  The only thing His Grace enjoys more than hunting is making war on lords who defy him." 如果说这世上还有什么比打猎更能吸引陛下,莫过于率军讨伐违抗命令的臣下了。”