冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第648期:第三十一章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   Shattered legs may heal in time, but some betrayals fester and poison the soul. 断腿终会愈合,然而某些背叛却会逐渐腐蚀灵魂。

  Littlefinger came calling an hour after the Grand Maester had left, 国师离开后不到一小时,小指头前来造访,
  clad in a plum-colored doublet with a mockingbird embroidered on the breast in black thread, and a striped cloak of black and white. 他身穿胸前用黑线绣有仿声鸟的李子色外衣,披着黑白相间的条纹披风。
  "I cannot visit long, my lord," he announced. “大人,我不能久留,”他进门便说,
  "Lady Tanda expects me to lunch with her. “坦妲伯爵夫人等着我共进午餐,
  No doubt she will roast me a fatted calf. 想必会特地为我烤只肥牛。
  If it's near as fatted as her daughter, I'm like to rupture and die. And how is your leg?" 呵,如果那只牛跟她女儿一样肥,我吃了八成会活活胀死。您的脚可还好?”
  Inflamed and painful, with an itch that is driving me mad. “又痛又痒,快把我逼疯了。”
  Littlefinger lifted an eyebrow.  小指头抬起一边眉毛。
  "In future, try not to let any horses fall on it.  “从今往后,没事别让马压到。
  I would urge you to heal quickly. The realm grows restive.  我劝你赶紧好起来,国内情势越来越不安定。
  Varys has heard ominous whispers from the west. 瓦里斯听到不少从西边传来的坏消息,
  Freeriders and sellswords have been flocking to Casterly Rock, and not for the thin pleasure of Lord Tywin's conversation." 流浪武士和自由骑手正朝凯岩城蜂拥而去,他们可不是和泰温大人聊天去的。”
  Is there word of the king? “国王那边有消息吗?”
  Ned demanded. "Just how long does Robert intend to hunt?" 奈德问,“劳勃到底要打猎到什么时候?”
  "Given his preferences, I believe he'd stay in the forest until you and the queen both die of old age, Lord Petyr replied with a faint smile." “若是依他的意,我想他会待在森林里,等你和王后都老死了才回来。”培提尔浅浅一笑。
  Lacking that, I imagine he'll return as soon as he's killed something. “既然这不可能,大概等杀到猎物他就会回来罢。
  They found the white hart, it seems... or rather, what remained of it. 他们找到了那只白鹿……噢,应该说找到了白鹿的残骸。
  Some wolves found it first, and left His Grace scarcely more than a hoof and a horn.  有些狼捷足先登,只留给国王陛下一只鹿蹄和一只鹿角。