冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第649期:第三十一章 艾德(4)(在线收听

   Robert was in a fury, until he heard talk of some monstrous boar deeper in the forest.  劳勃气坏了,随后他听说森林深处有只怪物般的野猪,

  Then nothing would do but he must have it. 这时怎么也拦不住他啦。
  Prince Joffrey returned this morning, with the Royces, Sir Balon Swann, and some twenty others of the party.  乔佛里王子,罗伊斯家的人,巴隆·史文,以及其他二十几号人今早上回来了。
  The rest are still with the king." 其他人陪着国王继续打猎。”
  The Hound? Ned asked, frowning.  “猎狗呢?”奈德皱眉问。
  Of all the Lannister party, Sandor Clegane was the one who concerned him the most,  兰尼斯特家的人里面,就数桑铎·克里冈最教他担心,
  now that Sir Jaime had fled the city to join his father. 眼下詹姆爵士业已逃出城去和他父亲会师。
  Oh, returned with Joffrey, and went straight to the queen.  “喔,他跟乔佛里一道回来,他们直接奔王后那儿去了。”
  Littlefinger smiled."I would have given a hundred silver stags to have been a roach in the rushes  小指头微微一笑,“我宁可花一百枚银鹿变成草丛里的蟑螂,
  when he learned that Lord Beric was off to behead his brother." 等他知道贝里大人带兵去杀他老哥的时候。”
  Even a blind man could see the Hound loathed his brother. “就算瞎子也看得出猎狗恨透他哥哥。”
  Ah, but Gregor was his to loathe, not yours to kill.  “是啊,可是格雷果也只有他能恨,轮不到你杀。
  Once Dondarrion lops the summit off our Mountain, the Clegane lands and incomes will pass to Sandor, 待唐德利恩削平魔山的山峰,克里冈家族的领地与税赋自然会传给桑铎,
  but I wouldn't hold my water waiting for his thanks, not that one. 但别奢望他跟你道谢啦,绝对不会。
  And now you must forgive me. Lady Tanda awaits with her fatted calves. 抱歉,我真的该走了,坦妲伯爵夫人和她的肥牛还等着我呢。”
  On the way to the door, Lord Petyr spied Grand Maester Malleon's massive tome on the table and paused to idly flip open the cover. 还没到门边,培提尔瞥见桌上那本梅利恩国师的厚重巨著,便停下来,随意翻开封面。
  "The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, “《七国主要贵族之世家谱系与历史》
  With Descriptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children," he read. (内附许多关于爵爷夫人和他们子女的描述),” 他念道,
  "Now there is tedious reading if ever I saw it. “这可真是我见过的最无聊的东西了。
  A sleeping potion, my lord?" 大人,敢情您用这来帮助入眠?”