冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第651期:第三十一章 艾德(6)(在线收听

   Ned could no longer use his concern for their safety to excuse his delay. 奈德就再也无法以她们的安危作为自己拖延的借口。

  Yet last night he had dreamt of Rhaegar's children. 然而昨夜他却梦见了雷加的孩子。
  Lord Tywin had laid the bodies beneath the Iron Throne, wrapped in the crimson cloaks of his house guard. 泰温公爵将尸首用他侍卫的红披风裹好,放在铁王座下。
  That was clever of him; the blood did not show so badly against the red cloth.  这么做颇为聪明,因为包着红布,血迹便不太明显。
  The little princess had been barefoot, still dressed in her bed gown, and the boy...the boy... 小公主死时光着脚,身上穿着睡衣,而那男孩……那男孩……
  Ned could not let that happen again. 奈德绝不能让类似的事情重演。
  The realm could not withstand a second mad king, another dance of blood and vengeance. 王国再不能出现第二个丧心病狂的国王,更经不起又一次充满仇恨的腥风血雨。
  He must find some way to save the children. 他得想办法保护那几个孩子。
  Robert could be merciful. 劳勃是很可以表现仁慈的人。
  Sir Barristan was scarcely the only man he had pardoned. 巴利斯坦爵士并非他惟一赦免的对象。
  Grand Maester Pycelle, Varys the Spider, Lord Balon Greyjoy; each had been counted an enemy to Robert once,  派席尔国师,“八爪蜘蛛”瓦里斯,巴隆·葛雷乔伊……他们个个曾与劳勃为敌,
  and each had been welcomed into friendship and allowed to retain honors and office for a pledge of fealty. 然而一旦宣誓效忠,也都能得到友谊的拥抱,保留自己的荣誉
  So long as a man was brave and honest, Robert would treat him with all the honor and respect due a valiant enemy. 只要对方表现英勇,行事正直,劳勃便会将他当成勇敢的对手,尊敬有加。
  This was something else: poison in the dark, a knife thrust to the soul. 然而这次情况有别:暗中下毒,背后捅刀,
  This he could never forgive, no more than he had forgiven Rhaegar. 这种事他绝对无法原谅,就像他始终无法原谅雷加。
  He will kill them all, Ned realized. 我要教他们像龙一样死得干净彻底,奈德想起劳勃的话。