冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第654期:第三十一章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   Why here? Cersei Lannister asked as she stood over him. “为什么在这里?”瑟曦·兰尼斯特站在他面前,高高在上地问。

  So the gods can see. “好让天上诸神作见证。”
  She sat beside him on the grass.  她在他身畔的草地坐下,
  Her every move was graceful.  一举一动都优雅异常。
  Her curling blond hair moved in the wind, and her eyes were green as the leaves of summer. 她蜷曲的金发在风中轻舞,碧绿双眸一如盛夏的繁叶。
  It had been a long time since Ned Stark had seen her beauty, but he saw it now.  奈德·史塔克已有许久不曾见识她的美貌,如今又再度唤起。
  "I know the truth Jon Arryn died for," he told her. “我知道琼恩·艾林是为什么死的。”他告诉她。
  Do you? The queen watched his face, wary as a cat.  “是吗?”王后审视着他的脸,如灵猫一般小心翼翼。
  "Is that why you called me here, Lord Stark?  “史塔克大人,您就为这把我叫来?
  To pose me riddles?  跟我猜谜语?
  Or is it your intent to seize me, as your wife seized my brother?" 还是您想学尊夫人挟持我弟弟一样挟持我?”
  If you truly believed that, you would never have come. “你真这样以为,就不会来了。
  Ned touched her cheek gently. ”奈德轻轻碰触她脸颊。
  "Has he done this before?" “他以前打过你吗?”
  Once or twice. She shied away from his hand. “有一两次,”她别过脸去。
  "Never on the face before. Jaime would have killed him, even if it meant his own life."   “但没打过脸,否则就算是自身难保,詹姆也会跟他拼命。”
  Cersei looked at him defiantly.  瑟曦神情挑衅地看着他,
  "My brother is worth a hundred of your friend." “我弟弟胜过你朋友一百倍。”
  Your brother? Ned said. "Or your lover?" “你弟弟?”奈德说,“还是你爱人?”
  Both. She did not flinch from the truth.  “两者都是。”面对真相,她脸上毫无异色。
  "Since we were children together. And why not?  “我们从小就在一起。有何不可?
  The Targaryens wed brother to sister for three hundred years, to keep the bloodlines pure.  坦格利安家三百年来都是兄妹通婚,以保持血统纯正。
  And Jaime and I are more than brother and sister.  詹姆和我不只是姐弟,
  We are one person in two bodies. 我们根本是分成两半的同一个生命,