冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第657期:第三十一章 艾德(12)(在线收听

   The night of our wedding feast, the first time we shared a bed, he called me by your sister's name. “我们新婚当晚,初次同床共枕,他叫的却是你妹妹的名字。

  He was on top of me, in me, stinking of wine, and he whispered Lyanna. 他压在我身上,进到我体内,浑身酒臭,他竟然悄悄念着‘莱安娜’。”
  Ned Stark thought of pale blue roses, and for a moment he wanted to weep. 奈德·史塔克想起碧蓝的玫瑰,一时间只觉泫然欲泣。
  "I do not know which of you I pity most." “我真不知该可怜你还是可怜他。”
  The queen seemed amused by that.  王后似乎觉得这话颇为有趣。
  "Save your pity for yourself, Lord Stark. I want none of it." “史塔克大人,省省力气可怜你自己罢。我不需要。”
  You know what I must do. “你很清楚我必须怎么做。”
  Must? She put her hand on his good leg, just above the knee.  “必须怎么做?”她朝他没受伤的脚伸出手,搁在刚过膝盖的地方。
  "A true man does what he will, not what he must."  “一个真实的人做他想做的事,而不是他必须做的事。”
  Her fingers brushed lightly against his thigh, the gentlest of promises.  她的手指轻轻拂过他的大腿,带着最温柔的暗示。
  "The realm needs a strong Hand. Joff will not come of age for years. No one wants war again, least of all me." “离小乔成年还有好些年,国家需要一个强有力的首相。没人想重启战端,我尤其不想。”
  Her hand touched his face, his hair. "If friends can turn to enemies, enemies can become friends.  她的手拂过他的脸庞和头发,“倘若朋友可以反目成仇,我们为何不能化敌为友?
  Your wife is a thousand leagues away, and my brother has fled.  尊夫人远在千里之外,我弟弟也不在城中。
  Be kind to me, Ned. I swear to you, you shall never regret it." 奈德,对我好一点,我发誓绝不让你后悔。”
  Did you make the same offer to Jon Arryn? “你当初也是这么向琼恩·艾林提议吗?”
  She slapped him. 她甩了他一个耳光。
  I shall wear that as a badge of honor, Ned said dryly. “我会把这当成荣誉的奖章。”奈德冷冷地说。
  Honor, she spat. "How dare you play the noble lord with me! “去你的荣誉,”她啐道,“少给我道貌岸然!
  What do you take me for? 你把我当什么了?
  You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him.  你自己也有个私生子,我亲眼见过。
  Who was the mother, I wonder?  我很好奇他的母亲是谁?
  Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? 是不是哪个家园被你放火烧掉,随后被你强奸的多恩农家女?还是个婊子?