冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第659期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(1)(在线收听

   That was your moment. All you needed to do was climb those steps, and sit. Such a sad mistake." 那是你千载难逢的机会,你只需爬上阶梯,坐上王位。可悲啊,可悲的错误。”

  I have made more mistakes than you can possibly imagine, Ned said, "but that was not one of them." “我这辈子犯过的错,超乎你的想像。”奈德说,“然而这却不是其中之一。”
  Oh, but it was, my lord, Cersei insisted. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." “噢,大人,这当然是,”瑟曦坚持,“在权力的游戏之中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。”
  She turned up her hood to hide her swollen face and left him there in the dark beneath the oak, amidst the quiet of the godswood,  她拉上兜帽,遮住浮肿的脸,快步离开,留下他独自坐在橡树的阴影下,置身神木林的静谧之中。
  under a blue-black sky. The stars were coming out. 头顶的黑蓝天空里,星星逐渐出来了。
  Daenerys 丹妮莉丝
  The heart was steaming in the cool evening air when Khal Drogo set it before her, raw and bloody.  卓戈卡奥把血淋淋的心脏置于她面前,这颗心冒出的热气在夜晚的冷气里蒸腾。
  His arms were red to the elbow. 他两手红至肘部。
  Behind him, his bloodriders knelt on the sand beside the corpse of the wild stallion, stone knives in their hands.  身后,他的血盟卫手拿石制短刀,单膝跪在野马尸体旁的沙地上。
  The stallion's blood looked black in the flickering orange glare of the torches that ringed the high chalk walls of the pit. 环绕坑穴的粉白高墙火炬摇曳,橙焰将骏马的血映成漆黑。
  Dany touched the soft swell of her belly. 丹妮轻抚隆起的小腹。
  Sweat beaded her skin and trickled down her brow. 汗水在肌肤表面凝结,自她额际流下。
  She could feel the old women watching her, the ancient crones of Vaes Dothrak, with eyes that shone dark as polished flint in their wrinkled faces. 她感觉得出维斯·多斯拉克的年迈老妪正看着她,她们爬满皱纹的脸上,眼睛如磨亮的燧石闪着黑光。