冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第660期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(2)(在线收听

   She must not flinch or look afraid. 她不能退缩,不能畏惧。

  I am the blood of the dragon, she told herself as she took the stallion's heart in both hands,  “我是真龙传人,”她一边双手捧起马心,一边这么告诉自己。
  lifted it to her mouth, and plunged her teeth into the tough, stringy flesh. 随后她把马心举到嘴边,用尽力气,朝坚韧的生肉咬去。
  Warm blood filled her mouth and ran down over her chin. 温热的鲜血溢满口中,自她下巴流下。
  The taste threatened to gag her, but she made herself chew and swallow.  味道几乎令她作呕,但她强忍着继续咀嚼,继续吞咽。
  The heart of a stallion would make her son strong and swift and fearless, or so the Dothraki believed, but only if the mother could eat it all. 多斯拉克人相信,马心能使儿子体魄强健、身手敏捷、无所畏惧,但作母亲的必须吃下整颗心。
  If she choked on the blood or retched up the flesh, the omens were less favorable;  假如她被血呛到,或者把肉吐出,便是不祥预兆:
  the child might be stillborn, or come forth weak, deformed, or female. 胎儿可能流产,或先天多病,畸形,甚至是生女儿。
  Her handmaids had helped her ready herself for the ceremony. 为了这次仪式,她的女仆们已帮她做过精心准备。
  Despite the tender mother's stomach that had afflicted her these past two moons, Dany had dined on bowls of half-clotted blood to accustom herself to the taste,  过去这两个月,丹妮虽因害喜身体不适,却还是以一碗碗半凝固的血块为食,让自己习惯血腥味。
  and Irri made her chew strips of dried horseflesh until her jaws were aching. 伊丽把一片片的马肉拿给她嚼,直到她双颊发痛。
  She had starved herself for a day and a night before the ceremony in the hopes that hunger would help her keep down the raw meat. 仪式举行之前,她还特别一整天不进食,希望饥饿能帮助她吞咽生肉。
  The wild stallion's heart was all muscle, and Dany had to worry it with her teeth and chew each mouthful a long time. 野生骏马的心全是结实的肌肉,丹妮得用牙齿竭力撕咬,细嚼慢咽才能吞下。
  No steel was permitted within the sacred confines of Vaes Dothrak, beneath the shadow of the Mother of Mountains; 圣母山笼罩下的圣城维斯·多斯拉克严禁刀械,
  she had to rip the heart apart with teeth and nails. 所以她只能用牙齿和指甲撕开马心。