冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第661期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(3)(在线收听

   Her stomach roiled and heaved, yet she kept on, her face smeared with the heartsblood that sometimes seemed to explode against her lips. 她的胃里阵阵翻腾,但她咬牙坚持,还必须忍受不时喷溅到脸上的马血。

  Khal Drogo stood over her as she ate, his face as hard as a bronze shield. 卓戈卡奥高高地站在一旁,看着她吃,那张脸严峻得像青铜盾牌。
  His long black braid was shiny with oil.  他长长的黑发辫闪着油亮光泽,
  He wore gold rings in his mustache, gold bells in his braid, and a heavy belt of solid gold medallions around his waist, but his chest was bare. 小胡子里挂了金环,发辫扎着铃铛,一条沉甸甸的金章腰带系在腰间,胸膛却是赤裸。
  She looked at him whenever she felt her strength failing; looked at him, and chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed.  每当她觉得力量渐失,便抬头望他,然后继续咬牙切齿、咀嚼吞咽。
  Toward the end, Dany thought she glimpsed a fierce pride in his dark, almond-shaped eyes, but she could not be sure. 末了,她仿佛在他杏仁状的黑眼瞳里,瞥见了某种坚毅的骄傲,但她不敢确定。
  The khal's face did not often betray the thoughts within. 无论卡奥心绪为何,他都很少显现于色。
  And finally it was done.  终于结束了。
  Her cheeks and fingers were sticky as she forced down the last of it.  她吞下最后一块马肉,双颊和手指早已僵麻。
  Only then did she turn her eyes back to the old women, the crones of the dosh khaleen. 这时她才敢将视线转回到那群老妇人,亦即多希卡林的老妪们身上。
  Khalakka dothrae mr'anha! she proclaimed in her best Dothraki.  “卡拉喀,多斯雷,姆安哈!”她用自己最标准的多斯拉克语说,
  A prince rides inside me! 意思是:王子在我体内骑马!
  She had practiced the phrase for days with her handmaid Jhiqui. 多日以来,她和女仆姬琪反复练习这句话。
  The oldest of the crones, a bent and shriveled stick of a woman with a single black eye, raised her arms on high. 老妪中最年迈的一位,一个弯腰驼背,骨瘦如柴,只剩一只黑眼的老女人双手高举。
  "Khalakka dothrae!" she shrieked. The prince is riding! “卡拉喀,多斯雷!”她厉声叫道,意思是:王子骑着马!