冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第662期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(4)(在线收听

   He is riding! the other women answered. "Rakh! Rakh! Rakh haj!" they proclaimed. A boy, a boy, a strong boy. “他骑着马!”另一个女人应道,“拉克!拉克!拉克哈!”她们齐声宣布:是个男孩,是个男孩,是个强壮的男孩。

  Bells rang, a sudden clangor of bronze birds. 铃声作响,宛如一阵突如其来的青铜鸟鸣。
  A deep-throated warhorn sounded its long low note. The old women began to chant.  军号奏出低沉的长音,老妇们开始吟唱。
  Underneath their painted leather vests, their withered dugs swayed back and forth, shiny with oil and sweat. 在彩绘皮背心下,她们干瘪的乳房来回晃动,闪着油亮汗光。
  The eunuchs who served them threw bundles of dried grasses into a great bronze brazier,  负责伺候她们的太监把一捆捆干草丢进青铜大火盆,
  and clouds of fragrant smoke rose up toward the moon and the stars. 顷刻间散发出浓郁的草香,烟雾向天上的月亮星辰直冲而去。
  The Dothraki believed the stars were horses made of fire, a great herd that galloped across the sky by night. 在多斯拉克人眼里,星星就是一群以烈火为躯,声势浩大,奔跑夜空的骏马。
  As the smoke ascended, the chanting died away and the ancient crone closed her single eye, the better to peer into the future. 当浓烟渐升,吟唱声逐渐变小,年迈的老妪阖上她的独眼,朝未来瞥去。
  The silence that fell was complete. 继之而来的是全然的寂静,
  Dany could hear the distant call of night birds, the hiss and crackle of the torches, the gentle lapping of water from the lake.  丹妮听见远处的鸟儿啼叫,火炬嘶嘶噼啪,湖水轻柔拍打。
  The Dothraki stared at her with eyes of night, waiting. 多斯拉克人以漆黑如夜的眼睛看着她,等待预言。
  Khal Drogo laid his hand on Dany's arm. 卓戈卡奥伸手握住丹妮臂膀,
  She could feel the tension in his fingers. 从手指的力道她感觉得出他的紧张。
  Even a khal as mighty as Drogo could know fear when the dosh khaleen peered into smoke of the future.  强如卓戈卡奥,在多希卡林透过烟尘占卜未来时也会感到恐惧。
  At her back, her handmaids fluttered anxiously. 身后,她的女仆更是焦躁不安。