冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第663期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(5)(在线收听

   Finally the crone opened her eye and lifted her arms.  最后老妪睁开独眼,举起双臂。

  "I have seen his face, and heard the thunder of his hooves," she proclaimed in a thin, wavery voice. “我看见了他的脸,听见他蹄声如雷。”她用尖细而颤抖的声音宣布。
  The thunder of his hooves! the others chorused. “他蹄声如雷!”几个老妪同声应道。
  As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. “他的马迅疾如风,身后的卡拉萨覆盖整片大地,不可胜数,手中的亚拉克弯刀锋利如同芒草。
  Fierce as a storm this prince will be. 王子将会如暴风般威猛,
  His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. 他的敌人会在他面前颤抖不休,敌人的妻子将悲伤泣血,哀恸欲绝。
  The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name. 他发际的铃铛歌颂他的到来,居住在石头营帐的“奶人”惧怕他的名号。”
  The old woman trembled and looked at Dany almost as if she were afraid.  老妇颤抖着望向丹妮,仿佛十分惧怕。
  "The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world." “王子骑着马,他将成为骑着世界的骏马!”
  The stallion who mounts the world! “骑着世界的骏马!”
  the onlookers cried in echo, until the night rang to the sound of their voices. 人们应声高呼,直到夜晚充溢他们的呼唤。
  The one-eyed crone peered at Dany.  独眼老妪睨向丹妮。
  "What shall he be called, the stallion who mounts the world?" “骑着世界的骏马要叫什么名字?”
  She stood to answer. "He shall be called Rhaego," 她起身回答。“我们将叫他雷戈。”
  she said, using the words that Jhiqui had taught her. 她说出姬琪事先教她的字。