冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第664期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(6)(在线收听

   Her hands touched the swell beneath her breasts protectively as a roar went up from the Dothraki. 多斯拉克人群中顿时响起震耳欲聋的呐喊,她下意识地伸手护住胸部下方隆起的肚腹。

  "Rhaego," they screamed. "Rhaego, Rhaego, Rhaego!" “雷戈,”他们尖叫,“雷戈,雷戈,雷戈!”
  The name was still ringing in her ears as Khal Drogo led her from the pit. 卓戈卡奥领她离开坑穴时,这名字还在她耳际回荡。
  His bloodriders fell in behind them. 他的血盟卫尾随在后。
  A procession followed them out onto the godsway, 庞大的队伍走上众神大道。
  the broad grassy road that ran through the heart of Vaes Dothrak, from the horse gate to the Mother of Mountains. 那是一条宽广嫩绿,贯穿维斯·多斯拉克心脏,从马门直到圣母山下的道路。
  The crones of the dosh khaleen came first, with their eunuchs and slaves. 队伍前列是多希卡林的老妪,以及侍候她们的太监与奴隶。
  Some supported themselves with tall carved staffs as they struggled along on ancient, shaking legs, while others walked as proud as any horselord.  她们有的拄着长长的雕花拐杖,挣扎摆动着老迈而颤抖的双脚;有的则犹如马王般昂首阔步。
  Each of the old women had been a khaleesi once. 这些老妇人一度都是卡丽熙,
  When their lord husbands died and a new khal took his place at the front of his riders, with a new khaleesi mounted beside him,   当她们的丈夫过世,新的卡奥走上骑马战士的前列,而新的卡丽熙与他并肩共骑,
  they were sent here, to reign over the vast Dothraki nation. 她们便被送来这里,负责统理广大的多斯拉克国度。
  Even the mightiest of khals bowed to the wisdom and authority of the dosh khaleen. 即便势力最大的卡奥,也得服膺多希卡林的智慧和威权。
  Still, it gave Dany the shivers to think that one day she might be sent to join them, whether she willed it or no. 虽然如此,想到有朝一日不论自己情愿与否,都会被送来这里,成为她们一员,丹妮还是不禁打了个冷颤。
  Behind the wise women came the others; 其他人跟随在女智者之后:
  Khal Ogo and his son, the khalakka Fogo, Khal Jommo and his wives,  奥戈卡奥和他的儿子佛戈卡拉喀,鸠摩卡奥和他的妻妾,
  the chief men of Drogo's khalasar, Dany's handmaids, the khal's servants and slaves, and more. 卓戈卡拉萨的首脑成员,丹妮的侍女,卡奥的贴身奴仆,以及其他人。