冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第665期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(7)(在线收听

  Bells rang and drums beat a stately cadence as they marched along the godsway. 节奏庄严的铃铛鼓乐伴随他们走在众神大道上。

  Stolen heroes and the gods of dead peoples brooded in the darkness beyond the road. 从早已灭绝的种族手中盗来的英雄和神灵雕像默立于路旁的黑暗之中。

  Alongside the procession, slaves ran lightly through the grass with torches in their hands, 奴隶轻快地跑在队伍两旁的草地上,手里擎着火把。

  and the flickering flames made the great monuments seem almost alive. 摇曳的火焰照映下,雄伟的雕像好像有了生命。

  What is meaning, name Rhaego? Khal Drogo asked as they walked, using the Common Tongue of the Seven Kingdoms. “什么意思,名字雷戈?”卓戈卡奥边走边用七国的普通话问。

  She had been teaching him a few words when she could. 平时他若有空,她便教他几个单字。

  Drogo was quick to learn when he put his mind to it, 卓戈一旦专心,学习速度很快,

  though his accent was so thick and barbarous that neither Sir Jorah nor Viserys could understand a word he said. 然而他的口音委实太重,十足野蛮人腔调,以致不论乔拉爵士还是韦赛里斯都听不懂。

  My brother Rhaegar was a fierce warrior, my sun-and-stars, she told him.  “我的日和星,我哥哥雷加生前是个勇猛的战士,”她告诉他,

  "He died before I was born. “我还没出生他就战死了。

  Sir Jorah says that he was the last of the dragons." 乔拉爵士说他是真龙的最后传人。”

  Khal Drogo looked down at her. 卓戈卡奥低头看她,

  His face was a copper mask, yet under the long black mustache, drooping beneath the weight of its gold rings, 脸庞如同赤铜面具,但在那被金环拉得低垂的长长黑胡须下,

  she thought she glimpsed the shadow of a smile. 她却隐约瞥见了一抹微笑。

  "Is good name, Dan Ares wife, moon of my life," he said. “是好名字,丹瑞……里丝妻子,我生命的月亮。”他说。

  They rode to the lake the Dothraki called the Womb of the World, surrounded by a fringe of reeds, its water still and calm. 他们骑马经过一座长满芦苇的静湖,湖面平坦如镜,多斯拉克人称其为“世界的子宫”。

  A thousand thousand years ago, Jhiqui told her, the first man had emerged from its depths, riding upon the back of the first horse. 姬琪告诉她:几千万年以前,世界上第一个人便是从湖深处骑着世界上第一匹马出现的。
