冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第667期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(9)(在线收听

   Dany wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face against his neck as he thrust himself inside her. 丹妮伸手搂住他肩膀,将脸贴紧他的颈项。他插进她的体内,

  Three quick strokes and it was done. 有了三下,一切便化为朦胧。
  "The stallion who mounts the world," Drogo whispered hoarsely.  “骑着世界的骏马。”卓戈沙哑地低语。
  His hands still smelled of horse blood.  他的手上仍有马血的味道。
  He bit at her throat, hard, in the moment of his pleasure, and when he lifted her off, his seed filled her and trickled down the inside of her thighs. 高潮来临的瞬间,他用力咬了她喉咙一口。等他把她抱开,他的体液充满她的体内,自大腿内侧缓缓流下。
  Only then was Doreah permitted to drape her in the scented sandsilk, and Irri to fit soft slippers to her feet. 这时多莉亚才得以用洒过香水的纱丝袍裹住她,伊丽则为她穿上柔软的拖鞋。
  Khal Drogo laced himself up and spoke a command, and horses were brought to the lakeshore. 卓戈卡奥系好裤带,一声令下,立即有人将马牵来湖边。
  Cohollo had the honor of helping the khaleesi onto her silver. 科霍罗扶卡丽熙骑上银马,
  Drogo spurred his stallion, and set off down the godsway beneath the moon and stars. 卓戈一踢马刺,在月亮和星辰照耀下朝众神大道急驰而去。
  On her silver, Dany easily kept pace. 丹妮驱策银马,从容不迫地跟上。
  The silk tenting that roofed Khal Drogo's hall had been rolled up tonight, and the moon followed them inside. 卓戈卡奥宫殿顶端的丝织帷幕,今晚已被卷起,月光追随着他们进入室内。
  Flames leapt ten feet in the air from three huge stone-lined firepits. 三个石砌火盆里,烈焰高高腾跃,离地十尺。
  The air was thick with the smells of roasting meat and curdled, fermented mare's milk. 空气中充满烤肉和发酵的凝固马奶味道。
  The hall was crowded and noisy when they entered, 他们进门时大厅中已是人声鼎沸,摩肩擦踵。
  the cushions packed with those whose rank and name were not sufficient to allow them at the ceremony. 靠垫上坐满了地位较低,没有资格参加仪式的人。
  As Dany rode beneath the arched entry and up the center aisle, every eye was on her.  丹妮骑马穿过拱门,走上中间凸起的走道,众人的目光都集中在她身上。