冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第669期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(11)(在线收听

   Her glance roamed the crowded tables near the walls,  她的目光扫过墙边挤满人的餐桌,

  where men whose braids were even shorter than their manhoods sat on frayed rugs and flat cushions around the low tables, 那些辫子比命根还短的人便是坐在破烂而平板的椅垫上,围绕着低矮的桌子。
  but all the faces she saw had black eyes and copper skin. 可她及目所见的每一张脸孔,都是黑眼睛古铜色皮肤。
  She spied Sir Jorah Mormont near the center of the hall, close to the middle firepit. 大厅中央,在中间的火盆边,她瞥见了乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士。
  It was a place of respect, if not high honor; the Dothraki esteemed the knight's prowess with a sword. 那个位置虽然算不上地位崇高,但起码受人尊敬。
  Dany sent Jhiqui to bring him to her table. 多斯拉克人很敬重骑士的使剑本领。
  Mormont came at once, and went to one knee before her. 丹妮派姬琪去把他带到自己的桌边。
  "Khaleesi," he said, "I am yours to command." 莫尔蒙立刻前来,在她面前单膝跪下。“卡丽熙,”他说,“我听候您差遣。”
  She patted the stuffed horsehide cushion beside her.  她拍拍身边填满马皮的靠垫。
  "Sit and talk with me." “坐下来跟我聊聊。”
  You honor me. The knight seated himself cross-legged on the cushion. “这是我莫大的荣幸。”骑士盘腿坐上椅垫。
  A slave knelt before him, offering a wooden platter full of ripe figs. 一名奴隶到他面前跪下,呈上一个装满成熟无花果的木盘。
  Sir Jorah took one and bit it in half. 乔拉爵士拣了一个,咬成两半。
  Where is my brother? Dany asked.  “我哥哥上哪儿去了?”丹妮问,
  "He ought to have come by now, for the feast." “他应该在这里,他应该来参加宴会。”
  I saw His Grace this morning, he told her. “今天早上我见过陛下,”他告诉她,
  "He told me he was going to the Western Market, in search of wine." “他说要去城西市集找葡萄酒。”
  Wine? Dany said doubtfully.  “葡萄酒?”丹妮满腹怀疑地说。
  Viserys could not abide the taste of the fermented mare's milk the Dothraki drank, she knew that, 韦赛里斯受不了多斯拉克人惯饮的发酵马奶,这她明白,
  and he was oft at the bazaars these days, drinking with the traders who came in the great caravans from east and west. 因此他时常光顾市集买酒喝。最近他更是常和东西两边来的商队混在一起,
  He seemed to find their company more congenial than hers. 他似乎宁可与他们为伍,也不愿和她作伴。