冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第670期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(12)(在线收听

   Wine, Sir Jorah confirmed, "and he has some thought to recruit men for his army from the sellswords who guard the caravans." “没错,”乔拉爵士证实,“他有意从商队守卫里雇些佣兵作为自己的侍卫。”

  A serving girl laid a blood pie in front of him, and he attacked it with both hands. 一名女侍在他面前放上一张血馅饼,他双手并用大吃起来。
  Is that wise? she asked. "He has no gold to pay soldiers. What if he's betrayed?"  “这样做好吗?”她问,“他没有钱支付薪水,万一有人出卖他怎么办?”
  Caravan guards were seldom troubled much by thoughts of honor, and the Usurper in King's Landing would pay well for her brother's head. 商队守卫向来不在乎荣誉,而远在君临的篡夺者又一定会出重金悬赏哥哥的项上人头。
  "You ought to have gone with him, to keep him safe.  “你应该跟去保护他才对。
  You are his sworn sword." 你是他的誓言骑士。”
  We are in Vaes Dothrak, he reminded her.  我们身处维斯·多斯拉克,”他提醒她,
  "No one may carry a blade here or shed a man's blood." “这里不许任何人携带武器,也决不允许任何流血事件。”
  Yet men die, she said. "Jhogo told me.  “但依然有人丧命,”她说,“姬琪跟我说,
  Some of the traders have eunuchs with them, huge men who strangle thieves with wisps of silk.  有些商人雇了身强体壮的太监,专门负责用绸带勒死小偷。
  That way no blood is shed and the gods are not angered." 这样杀人不沾血,便不会激怒天上众神。”
  Then let us hope your brother will be wise enough not to steal anything.  “那就祈祷您哥哥有足够的智慧,别顺手牵羊吧。”
  Sir Jorah wiped the grease off his mouth with the back of his hand and leaned close over the table.  乔拉爵士用手背抹去嘴角油脂,凑近桌子,
  "He had planned to take your dragon's eggs, until I warned him that I'd cut off his hand if he so much as touched them." “他本来想偷您的龙蛋,可我警告过他:若是敢碰一下,我就砍掉他的手。”
  For a moment Dany was so shocked she had no words.  有好一会儿丹妮震惊得说不出话。
  "My eggs...but they're mine, Magister Illyrio gave them to me, a bride gift, why would Viserys want...they're only stones..." “我的蛋……可那是我的东西,是伊利里欧总督送给我的结婚礼物,韦赛里斯为什么要……不过是几颗石头罢了……”