冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第672期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(14)(在线收听

   The stallion is the khal of khals promised in ancient prophecy, child.  “孩子,这匹骏马是远古预言中许诺的君王,卡奥中的卡奥,预言中是这么说的,

  He will unite the Dothraki into a single khalasar and ride to the ends of the earth, or so it was promised. 他将统一多斯拉克民族,组成一个庞大的卡拉萨,版图远及世界尽头,
  All the people of the world will be his herd. 世上所有人类都会归他统领。”
  Oh, Dany said in a small voice. “噢,”丹妮小声说。
  Her hand smoothed her robe down over the swell of her stomach. 她伸手抚平肚子上的长袍。
  "I named him Rhaego." “我给他取名雷戈。”
  A name to make the Usurper's blood run cold. “这名字会教篡夺者浑身发冷。”
  Suddenly Doreah was tugging at her elbow.  突然多莉亚扯着她的手肘。
  "My lady, " the handmaid whispered urgently, "your brother..." “卡丽熙,”女仆焦急地耳语,“您哥哥他……”
  Dany looked down the length of the long, roofless hall and there he was, striding toward her.  丹妮放眼朝无顶的长厅彼端望去,果然看见他大跨步朝她走来。
  From the lurch in his step, she could tell at once that Viserys had found his wine... and something that passed for courage. 从那踉跄的脚步看来,她立时明白韦赛里斯已经找到了他的葡萄酒……以及某种勉强可算是勇气的东西。
  He was wearing his scarlet silks, soiled and travel-stained. 他穿着鲜红丝衣,上面沾满汗渍和尘土,
  His cloak and gloves were black velvet, faded from the sun.  他的披风和手套本为黑色天鹅绒,如今也因日晒而褪色。
  His boots were dry and cracked, his silver-blond hair matted and tangled. 他的靴子干裂,银发纠结散乱,
  A longsword swung from his belt in a leather scabbard. 腰间斜挂着一柄皮套长剑。
  The Dothraki eyed the sword as he passed; Dany heard curses and threats and angry muttering rising all around her, like a tide. 他走进来时,多斯拉克人纷纷盯着他的剑,丹妮听见咒骂,威胁和愤怒的话语如涨潮般从四周升起。
  The music died away in a nervous stammering of drums. 鼓声凌乱,音乐也渐渐停了下来。