冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第673期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(15)(在线收听

   A sense of dread closed around her heart. 她的心中充满恐惧。

  "Go to him," she commanded Sir Jorah.  “快去,”她命令乔拉爵士。
  "Stop him. Bring him here. “叫住他,带他过来。
  Tell him he can have the dragon's eggs if that is what he wants." 告诉他如果他想要龙蛋,我就给他。”
  The knight rose swiftly to his feet. 骑士敏捷地起身。
  Where is my sister? Viserys shouted, his voice thick with wine. "I've come for her feast.  “我家老妹在哪儿啊?”韦赛里斯酒气冲天地喊,“老子来参加她的喜宴啦。
  How dare you presume to eat without me? No one eats before the king. Where is she?  你们好大胆子,竟然没等老子就先开动?没有人敢比国王先开动。她在哪儿啊?
  The whore can't hide from the dragon." 小贱货躲不了真龙啦。”
  He stopped beside the largest of the three firepits, peering around at the faces of the Dothraki. 他在最大的火盆边停下脚步,环顾四周一张张多斯拉克人的脸。
  There were five thousand men in the hall, but only a handful who knew the Common Tongue. 大厅里有五千人,但通晓通用语的没几个。
  Yet even if his words were incomprehensible, you had only to look at him to know that he was drunk. 即便如此,只消看上一眼,任谁都知道他烂醉如泥。
  Sir Jorah went to him swiftly, whispered something in his ear, and took him by the arm, but Viserys wrenched free.  乔拉爵士快步走到他身旁,在他耳边悄悄说了几句,然后伸手去扶他。韦赛里斯猛力挣脱。
  "Keep your hands off me! “把你的手拿开!
  No one touches the dragon without leave." 不经允许,谁也不准触碰真龙。”
  Dany glanced anxiously up at the high bench. 丹妮不安地瞄了高位一眼。
  Khal Drogo was saying something to the other khals beside him.  卓戈卡奥正对两旁的卡奥说着什么,
  Khal Jommo grinned, and Khal Ogo began to guffaw loudly. 鸠摩卡奥听了嘻嘻一乐,奥戈卡奥则是扯开嗓门哈哈大笑。
  The sound of laughter made Viserys lift his eyes.  笑声引得韦赛里斯抬眼。
  "Khal Drogo," he said thickly, his voice almost polite.  “卓戈卡奥,”他粗声道,那口吻总算还有礼貌。
  "I'm here for the feast." “我是来参加晚宴的。”
  He staggered away from Sir Jorah, making to join the three khals on the high bench. 他蹒跚着离开乔拉爵士,准备到高位上与三位卡奥同坐。