冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第674期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(16)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo rose, spat out a dozen words in Dothraki, faster than Dany could understand, and pointed.  卓戈卡奥站起来,吐出一串多斯拉克话,快得丹妮听不清楚,然后他指了指。

  "Khal Drogo says your place is not on the high bench," Sir Jorah translated for her brother.  “卓戈卡奥说你的座位不在上面,”乔拉爵士翻译给哥哥听,
  "Khal Drogo says your place is there." “卡奥说你的座位在那里。”
  Viserys glanced where the khal was pointing. 韦赛里斯瞟了一眼卡奥所指的地方。
  At the back of the long hall, in a corner by the wall, deep in shadow so better men would not need to look on them, sat the lowest of the low; 那是大厅尽头的阴暗角落,好让别人眼不见为净,坐在那里的人地位低得不能再低:
  raw unblooded boys, old men with clouded eyes and stiff joints, the dim-witted and the maimed. 从未见血的小男孩,筋骨僵硬、两眼生翳的老人,以及智障和残废。
  Far from the meat, and farther from honor. 他们远离菜肴,更远离荣耀。
  "That is no place for a king," her brother declared. “那不是给国王坐的地方。”哥哥高声宣告。
  Is place, Khal Drogo answered, in the Common Tongue that Dany had taught him, "for Sorefoot King." “是,”卓戈卡奥用丹妮教他的通用语回答,“给酸腿国王设座。”
  He clapped his hands together. 他猛一击掌。
  "A cart! Bring cart for Khal Rhaggat!" “来人!弄辆马车给拉迦特卡奥坐!”
  Five thousand Dothraki began to laugh and shout.  五千名多斯拉克人齐声大笑。
  Sir Jorah was standing beside Viserys, screaming in his ear, 乔拉爵士站在韦赛里斯身边,扯开喉咙朝他耳朵大吼,
  but the roar in the hall was so thunderous that Dany could not hear what he was saying. 可是大厅里的喊叫震耳欲聋,因此丹妮听不见他说些什么。
  Her brother shouted back and the two men grappled, until Mormont knocked Viserys bodily to the floor. 韦赛里斯吼回去,接着两人扭打成一团,直到莫尔蒙把韦赛里斯整个打倒在地。
  Her brother drew his sword. 哥哥拔出了剑。