冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第675期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(17)(在线收听

   The bared steel shone a fearful red in the glare from the firepits. 在火光照耀下,剑刃闪着一道令人畏惧的红光。

  "Keep away from me!" Viserys hissed. “滚远点!”韦赛里斯嘶声道。
  Sir Jorah backed off a step, and her brother climbed unsteadily to his feet. 乔拉爵士向后退开,哥哥踉跄地爬起来,
  He waved the sword over his head, the borrowed blade that Magister Illyrio had given him to make him seem more kingly. 持剑在头上挥舞。那把剑是伊利里欧总督为了让他有个国王的样子,特别借给他的。
  Dothraki were shrieking at him from all sides, screaming vile curses. 四面八方的多斯拉克人都在朝他嘶吼,尖叫着恶毒的诅咒。
  Dany gave a wordless cry of terror. She knew what a drawn sword meant here, even if her brother did not. 丹妮发出一声无言的惊叫。哥哥或许不知在这里拔剑会有何后果,但她太清楚了。
  Her voice made Viserys turn his head, and he saw her for the first time. 听到她的声音,韦赛里斯转过头,这才终于看见她。
  "There she is," he said, smiling. “原来她在这儿。”他微笑着说。
  He stalked toward her, slashing at the air as if to cut a path through a wall of enemies, though no one tried to bar his way. 他朝她步步进逼,胡乱挥舞宝剑,仿佛要在乱军中杀出重围,然而无人阻挡他的来路。
  The blade...you must not, she begged him. "Please, Viserys. It is forbidden.  “你的剑……你真的不可以这样,”她哀求他,“求求你,韦赛里斯。这是被禁止的。
  Put down the sword and come share my cushions. 把剑收起来,跟我一起坐吧。
  There's drink, food...is it the dragon's eggs you want? 这里吃的喝的都有……你想要龙蛋吗?
  You can have them, only throw away the sword." 我可以给你,但请你先把剑扔下。”
  Do as she tells you, fool, Sir Jorah shouted, "before you get us all killed." “笨蛋,快照她的话做,”乔拉爵士吼道,“不然你会把我们通通害死。”
  Viserys laughed. "They can't kill us. 韦赛里斯朗声大笑。“他们奈何不了我们。
  They can't shed blood here in the sacred city...but I can." 他们不能在圣城里流血……但我能。”
  He laid the point of his sword between Daenerys's breasts and slid it downward, over the curve of her belly. 他将剑尖指着丹妮莉丝双乳之间,缓缓下滑,顺着隆起肚腹的曲线。