冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第676期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(18)(在线收听

   I want what I came for, he told her. "I want the crown he promised me. “我只要属于我的东西,”他告诉她,“我只要他答应我的那顶王冠。

  He bought you, but he never paid for you.  他买了你,却没有付钱。
  Tell him I want what I bargained for, or I'm taking you back. You and the eggs both. 叫他遵守约定,否则我就要收回你和龙蛋。
  He can keep his bloody foal. I'll cut the bastard out and leave it for him." 他可以留下他的种,我会把那野种割下来给他。”
  The sword point pushed through her silks and pricked at her navel. 剑尖刺穿丝衣,轻戳她的肚脐。
  Viserys was weeping, she saw; weeping and laughing, both at the same time, this man who had once been her brother. 她发现韦赛里斯正在啜泣,眼前这个曾是她哥哥的人,此刻又哭又笑。
  Distantly, as from far away, Dany heard her handmaid Jhiqui sobbing in fear, pleading that she dared not translate, 似乎是很遥远的地方,女仆姬琪也在惧怕地啜泣,哭着说她不敢翻译,
  that the khal would bind her and drag her behind his horse all the way up the Mother of Mountains. 因为卡奥会把她绑在坐骑后一路拖上圣母山。
  She put her arm around the girl. "Don't be afraid," she said. "I shall tell him." 她伸手抱住女孩。“别怕,”她说,“让我来告诉他。”
  She did not know if she had enough words,  她不知自己了解的词汇是否足够,
  yet when she was done Khal Drogo spoke a few brusque sentences in Dothraki, and she knew he understood. 但当她讲完,卓戈卡奥用多斯拉克话说了几个粗鲁的句子,她便知道他是听懂了。
  The sun of her life stepped down from the high bench. 她生命中的太阳从高位上走下来。
  "What did he say?" the man who had been her brother asked her, flinching. “他说什么?”那曾是她哥哥的人皱眉问。
  It had grown so silent in the hall that she could hear the bells in Khal Drogo's hair, chiming softly with each step he took. 大厅一片寂然,只听卓戈卡奥发际的铃铛随着脚步轻声作响。
  His bloodriders followed him, like three copper shadows.  他的血盟卫尾随在后,仿如三个古铜色的影子。
  Daenerys had gone cold all over. 丹妮莉丝浑身发冷。
  "He says you shall have a splendid golden crown that men shall tremble to behold." “他说你将会拥有一顶精美绝伦,任谁看了都会颤抖的黄金王冠。”