冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第677期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(19)(在线收听

   Viserys smiled and lowered his sword. 韦赛里斯微笑着放下剑。

  That was the saddest thing, the thing that tore at her afterward...the way he smiled. 将来最教她伤心,最让她撕心裂肺的一件事……就是他微笑的模样。
  "That was all I wanted," he said. "What was promised." “我要的就只是这个,”他说,“他答应要给我的。”
  When the sun of her life reached her, Dany slid an arm around his waist. 当她生命中的太阳走到她身边时,丹妮伸手搂住他的腰。
  The khal said a word, and his bloodriders leapt forward. 卡奥说了一个字,他的血盟卫立即飞扑上前。
  Qotho seized the man who had been her brother by the arms. 柯索抓住那个曾是她哥哥的人的双手,
  Haggo shattered his wrist with a single, sharp twist of his huge hands. 哈戈巨掌一拧,利落地折断了他的手腕。
  Cohollo pulled the sword from his limp fingers. 科霍罗从他垂软无力的手中夺下剑来。
  Even now Viserys did not understand. 即便到了此时,韦赛里斯依旧不明白。
  "No," he shouted, "you cannot touch me, I am the dragon, the dragon, and I will be crowned!" “不行,”他叫道,“你们不准碰我,我是真龙,真龙,我要我的王冠!”
  Khal Drogo unfastened his belt. 卓戈卡奥解开腰带。
  The medallions were pure gold, massive and ornate, each one as large as a man's hand. 带子完全由雕饰华丽的纯金勋章构成,每个勋章都大如男人手掌。
  He shouted a command. 他吼出一个命令,
  Cook slaves pulled a heavy iron stew pot from the firepit, dumped the stew onto the ground, and returned the pot to the flames. 负责烹饪的奴隶立刻从火炉上拉出一个沉重的铁锅,将里面的热汤倒在地上,再将锅子放回炉里。
  Drogo tossed in the belt and watched without expression as the medallions turned red and began to lose their shape.  卓戈把腰带抛进锅中,面无表情地看着奖章烧得通红,渐渐失去原有的形状。
  She could see fires dancing in the onyx of his eyes. 在他黑如玛瑙的眼瞳里,她见到跃动的火苗。
  A slave handed him a pair of thick horsehair mittens, and he pulled them on, never so much as looking at the man. 一个奴隶递上一双厚实的马毛手套,他静静地戴上,看都没看那人一眼。
  Viserys began to scream the high, wordless scream of the coward facing death. 韦赛里斯这时才像个即将面对死亡的懦夫一般,开始了高亢的无言惨叫。