冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第678期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(20)(在线收听

   He kicked and twisted, whimpered like a dog and wept like a child, but the Dothraki held him tight between them.  他又踢又扭,像狗一样呜咽,像小孩似地啼哭,但几个多斯拉克人牢牢地把他抓住。

  Sir Jorah had made his way to Dany's side.  乔拉爵士走到丹妮身边,
  He put a hand on her shoulder. 伸手按住她的肩膀。
  "Turn away, my princess, I beg you." “公主殿下,请您转过头,我求求您。”
  No. She folded her arms across the swell of her belly, protectively. “不。”她双手抱住隆起的肚腹,下意识地保护受威胁的孩子。
  At the last, Viserys looked at her. 最后,韦赛里斯望向她。
  "Sister, please...Dany, tell them...make them...sweet sister..." “妹妹,请你……丹妮,告诉他们……让他们……好妹妹……”
  When the gold was half-melted and starting to run, Drogo reached into the flames, snatched out the pot.  当黄金融化了一半,正开始沸腾时,卓戈伸手到烈焰中抓起锅子。
  "Crown!" he roared. "Here. A crown for Cart King!" “王冠!”他咆哮道,“来,给马车国王戴的王冠!”
  And upended the pot over the head of the man who had been her brother. 说完便朝那个曾是她哥哥的人当头浇下。
  The sound Viserys Targaryen made when that hideous iron helmet covered his face was like nothing human. 那顶狰狞的铁盔遮盖住韦赛里斯·坦格利安的脸庞时,他所发出的声音,只能以惨绝人寰来形容。
  His feet hammered a frantic beat against the dirt floor, slowed, stopped. 他的双脚在泥地上狂乱地蹬了几下,渐缓,终止。
  Thick globs of molten gold dripped down onto his chest, setting the scarlet silk to smoldering...yet no drop of blood was spilled. 半液态的金块滴落他的胸膛,鲜红的丝衣嘶嘶冒烟……但他没有流出一滴血。
  He was no dragon, Dany thought, curiously calm. Fire cannot kill a dragon. 他不是真龙,丹妮暗想,思绪意外地平静,真龙不怕火。