冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第680期:第三十三章 艾德(2)(在线收听

   Cayn helped him with his clothes; white linen tunic and grey cloak, trousers slit open down his plaster-sheathed leg, 凯恩服侍他更衣,他穿上白色亚麻布外衣和灰色披风,裤子已经裁短,方便打上石膏的断腿。

  his badge of office, and last of all a belt of heavy silver links. 他扣上首相徽章,以及一条沉重的银链腰带,
  He sheathed the Valyrian dagger at his waist. 最后将那把瓦雷利亚匕首系在腰间。
  The Red Keep was dark and still as Cayn and Tomard escorted him across the inner bailey. 红堡黑暗而寂静。当凯恩和托马德护送他穿过内城时,
  The moon hung low over the walls, ripening toward full. 由缺转圆的月亮已经低悬高墙。
  On the ramparts, a guardsman in a gold cloak walked his rounds. 壁垒上,一名金色披风的守卫正来回巡视。
  The royal apartments were in Maegor's Holdfast,  王家居室位于梅葛楼,
  a massive square fortress that nestled in the heart of the Red Keep behind walls twelve feet thick and a dry moat lined with iron spikes, a castle-within-a-castle.  那是一座巨大的方形要塞,深藏在红堡的中心地带,由十二尺厚的围墙以及干涸但插满尖刺的护城河团团包围。这是座城中之城。
  Sir Boros Blount guarded the far end of the bridge, white steel armor ghostly in the moonlight. 柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士把守在吊桥彼端,白色精钢铠甲在月光下寒气森森。
  Within, Ned passed two other knights of the Kingsguard;  进楼之后,奈德又经过两名御林铁卫,
  Sir Preston Greenfield stood at the bottom of the steps, and Sir Barristan Selmy waited at the door of the king's bedchamber. 普列斯顿·格林菲尔爵士站在楼梯口,巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士守在国王寝室门外。
  Three men in white cloaks, he thought, remembering, and a strange chill went through him. 三个雪白披风的骑士,他忆起过去,一阵诡异的寒意袭上心头。
  Sir Barristan's face was as pale as his armor. 巴利斯坦爵士的脸和他的盔甲一样苍白。
  Ned had only to look at him to know that something was dreadfully wrong. 奈德只需看他一眼,便知大事不妙。