冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第681期:第三十三章 艾德(3)(在线收听

   The royal steward opened the door. 王家总管打开门,

  "Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King," he announced. “艾德·史塔克公爵大人,国王之手。”他高声宣布。
  Bring him here, Robert's voice called, strangely thick. “带他进来。”劳勃喊道,声音出奇地混浊。
  Fires blazed in the twin hearths at either end of the bedchamber, filling the room with a sullen red glare. 卧室两端对称位置的壁炉里火烧得炽热,让房间充满一种阴沉的红色亮光。
  The heat within was suffocating.  屋内的热度高得令人窒息,
  Robert lay across the canopied bed.  劳勃躺在挂着幔帐的床上,
  At the bedside hovered Grand Maester Pycelle, while Lord Renly paced restlessly before the shuttered windows. 派席尔国师随侍在旁,蓝礼公爵则焦躁地在紧闭的窗前踱步。
  Servants moved back and forth, feeding logs to the fire and boiling wine.  仆人来来去去,或增添柴火,或煮热葡萄酒。
  Cersei Lannister sat on the edge of the bed beside her husband. 瑟曦·兰尼斯特坐在床边,靠近她的丈夫。
  Her hair was tousled, as if from sleep, but there was nothing sleepy in her eyes. 她头发散乱,似乎刚从睡梦中醒来,但那双眼中却毫无睡意。
  They followed Ned as Tomard and Cayn helped him cross the room. 托马德和凯恩扶着奈德穿过房间时,那双眼睛便直直地盯着他看。
  He seemed to move very slowly, as if he were still dreaming. 他移动的速度非常缓慢,仿佛置身梦境。
  The king still wore his boots. 国王穿着靴子,
  Ned could see dried mud and blades of grass clinging to the leather where Robert's feet stuck out beneath the blanket that covered him, 奈德看见皮革上沾满泥土和干草,劳勃双脚伸在毛毯外,
  A green doublet lay on the floor, slashed open and discarded, the cloth crusted with red-brown stains. 一件绿色外衣扔在地上,上面有割开后弃置的痕迹,以及褐红的污垢。
  The room smelled of smoke and blood and death. 房间弥漫着烟尘与血腥,还有死亡的气息。