冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第683期:第三十三章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   Bastard did me good, eh? But I...I paid him back in kind, Ned."  这回我可被整惨了,对吧?不过我……我也没让它好过,奈德。”

  The king's smile was as terrible as his wound, his teeth red.  国王的笑容与伤口同样惊人,他的牙齿一片血红。
  "Drove a knife right through his eye. Ask them if I didn't. Ask them." “我一刀捅烂了它眼睛。你问问他们是不是真的……问哪!”
  Truly, Lord Renly murmured.  “是的,”蓝礼公爵喃喃道,
  "We brought the carcass back with us, at my brother's command." “照我哥哥的吩咐,我们把尸体带了回来。”
  For the feast, Robert whispered. "Now leave us. The lot of you. I need to speak with Ned." “带回来准备晚宴。”劳勃轻声说,“让我们独处一下。你们都退下,我要跟奈德谈谈。”
  Robert, my sweet lord... Cersei began. “劳勃,亲爱的……”瑟曦开口。
  I said leave, Robert insisted with a hint of his old fierceness.  “我说过了,给我退下。”劳勃的坚持里有几分他昔日的刚毅。
  "What part of that don't you understand, woman?" “你是哪个字听不懂啊,臭女人?”
  Cersei gathered up her skirts and her dignity and led the way to the door.  瑟曦拢起她的裙子和自尊,领头走向房门。
  Lord Renly and the others followed. 蓝礼公爵和其他人跟在后面。
  Grand Maester Pycelle lingered, his hands shaking as he offered the king a cup of thick white liquid. 派席尔大学士留了下来,双手颤抖着把一杯浓浊的白色液体递给国王。
  "The milk of the poppy, Your Grace," he said. "Drink. For your pain." “陛下,这是罂粟花奶,”他说,“请喝下去,给您止痛。”
  Robert knocked the cup away with the back of his hand.  劳勃用手背挥开杯子。
  "Away with you. I'll sleep soon enough, old fool. Get out." “快滚,老不死,我再过不久就要一睡不醒了。滚出去。”
  Grand Maester Pycelle gave Ned a stricken look as he shuffled from the room. 派席尔国师给了奈德一个受伤的眼神,拖着脚离开了。
  Damn you, Robert, Ned said when they were alone. “劳勃,你该死的,”只剩他们两人后,奈德开口说。
  His leg was throbbing so badly he was almost blind with pain.  他的腿痛得让他几乎睁不开眼。
  Or perhaps it was grief that fogged his eyes. 也或许是悲痛模糊了他的视线。
  He lowered himself to the bed, beside his friend. 他坐到床边,坐在他的朋友身旁。
  "Why do you always have to be so headstrong?" “你非得这么鲁莽不可?”