冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第684期:第三十三章 艾德(6)(在线收听

   Ah, fuck you, Ned, the king said hoarsely. "I killed the bastard, didn't I?" “啊,操你,奈德,”国王粗声道,“我好歹宰了那王八蛋,对不?”

  A lock of matted black hair fell across his eyes as he glared up at Ned.  一撮蒙尘的黑发落下来遮住他的眼,他抬头瞪着奈德。
  "Ought to do the same for you. Can't leave a man to hunt in peace. “我该把你也宰了才对,连打猎都不肯让人安安静静地打。
  Sir Robar found me. Gregor's head. Ugly thought.  罗拔爵士找到我啦。说什么要砍格雷果的头。想来就不舒服。
  Never told the Hound. Let Cersei surprise him." 我没对猎狗讲。让瑟曦去吓吓他罢。”
  His laugh turned into a grunt as a spasm of pain hit him.  他笑到一半,突然一阵剧痛袭身,便转为闷哼。
  "Gods have mercy," he muttered, swallowing his agony.  “诸神慈悲,”他喃喃念道,疼痛地喘气。
  "The girl. Daenerys. Only a child, you were right... “那女孩。丹妮莉丝。她只是个孩子,你说得没错……
  that's why, the girl...the gods sent the boar...sent to punish me..." The king coughed, bringing up blood.  这就是为什么,那女孩……天上诸神派这头野猪……派来惩罚我……”国王咳出一滩鲜血。
  "Wrong, it was wrong, I...only a girl...Varys, Littlefinger, even my brother...worthless... “错了,我做错了,我……她只是个女孩……瓦里斯,小指头,连我弟弟……废物……
  no one to tell me no but you, Ned... only you..." He lifted his hand, the gesture pained and feeble. 奈德,除了你之外,没有人敢对我说一个不……只有你……”他在极度疼痛的状态下,虚弱地举起手。
  "Paper and ink. There, on the table. Write what I tell you." “拿纸笔来。就在那边桌上。把我说的写下来。”
  Ned smoothed the paper out across his knee and took up the quill. "At your command, Your Grace." 奈德把纸摊平在膝盖上,拿起羽毛笔。“陛下,请您指示。”
  This is the will and word of Robert of House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and all the rest, put in the damn titles, you know how it goes. “以下为拜拉席恩家族的劳勃一世,安达尔人和其他人的——把他妈的那些鬼头衔通通放进去,你知道是哪些——的遗嘱。