冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第685期:第三十三章 艾德(7)(在线收听

   I do hereby command Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King, 余在此任命临冬城公爵,国王之手,

  to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm upon my...upon my death...to rule in my...in my stead, until my son Joffrey does come of age..." 史塔克家族的艾德为摄政王及全境守护者……自余死后……代余……代余统理国事……俟吾儿乔佛里成年……”
  Robert... Joffrey is not your son, he wanted to say, but the words would not come.  “劳勃……”乔佛里不是你儿子,他想说,却说不出口。
  The agony was written too plainly across Robert's face; he could not hurt him more.  劳勃所承受的痛苦清楚明白地写在脸上,他不忍心将更多痛苦加诸于他。
  So Ned bent his head and wrote, but where the king had said "my son Joffrey," he scrawled "my heir" instead. 于是奈德低头振笔疾书,只将“吾儿乔佛里”改为“吾之合法继承人”。
  The deceit made him feel soiled. 欺瞒让他觉得自己人格污损。
  The lies we tell for love, he thought. May the gods forgive me.  这是我们为爱而撒的谎,他心想,愿天上诸神原谅我。
  "What else would you have me say?" “您还要我写什么?”
  Say...whatever you need to. Protect and defend, gods old and new, you have the words. Write. I'll sign it.  “写……该写什么就写什么。遵守,保护,新旧诸神,你知道这些啰嗦词语。写完我来签名。
  You give it to the council when I'm dead. 等我死了把这个交给御前会议。”
  Robert, Ned said in a voice thick with grief, "you must not do this. Don't die on me. The realm needs you." “劳勃,”奈德的语气充满悲伤,“不要这样,不要离开我。国家需要你。”
  Robert took his hand, fingers squeezing hard.  劳勃紧握住他的手,用力挤压。
  "You are...such a bad liar, Ned Stark," he said through his pain. “奈德·史塔克,你……真不会说谎。”他忍痛说,