冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第687期:第三十三章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   And help my son, Ned. Make him be...better than me." He winced. "Gods have mercy." 还有,帮帮我儿子,奈德。让他变成……比我更好的人。”他痛得皱眉,“诸神可怜我。”

  They will, my friend, Ned said. "They will." “他们会的,我的朋友,”奈德说,“他们会的。”
  The king closed his eyes and seemed to relax.  国王闭起眼睛,似是稍觉放松。
  "Killed by a pig," he muttered. "Ought to laugh, but it hurts too much." “到头来竟被野猪所杀,”他喃喃自语,“要不是这么痛,真该大笑一场。”
  Ned was not laughing. "Shall I call them back?" 奈德没笑。“要不要这就叫他们进来?”
  Robert gave a weak nod. "As you will. Gods, why is it so cold in here?" 劳勃虚弱地点头。“也好。老天,这儿怎么冷成这副德行?”
  The servants rushed back in and hurried to feed the fires. 仆人们冲进来,赶忙为炉火添柴。
  The queen had gone; that was some small relief, at least. 王后已经走了,至少这算一点安慰。
  If she had any sense, Cersei would take her children and fly before the break of day, Ned thought.  如果瑟曦还有点理智,奈德心想,她应该带着孩子赶在黎明前逃走。
  She had lingered too long already. 她已经拖延太久。
  King Robert did not seem to miss her. 劳勃国王也并不想念她。
  He bid his brother Renly and Grand Maester Pycelle to stand in witness as he pressed his seal into the hot yellow wax that Ned had dripped upon his letter. 他让弟弟蓝礼和派席尔国师作见证,然后拿起国玺,盖在奈德滴在纸上的热黄蜡泥上。
  "Now give me something for the pain and let me die." “现在给我止痛的东西,让我去死罢。”
  Hurriedly Grand Maester Pycelle mixed him another draught of the milk of the poppy. 派席尔国师匆忙调制了另一帖罂粟花奶。