冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第691期:第三十三章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   Ned had a bitter taste in his mouth. 奈德嘴里一阵苦涩。

  He recalled the two fair-haired boys Robert had sent chasing after a breastplate stretcher. 他回忆起那两个被劳勃赶去拿撑胸甲的钳子的金发男孩。
  The king had told everyone the tale that night at the feast, laughing until he shook. "Which squire?" 当天晚宴上,国王把这件事说给每个人听,笑到难以自制。“是哪个侍从?”
  The elder, said Sir Barristan. "Lancel." “年长的那个,”巴利斯坦爵士说,“蓝赛尔。”
  I know the lad well, said Varys. "A stalwart boy, Sir Kevan Lannister's son, nephew to Lord Tywin and cousin to the queen. “这孩子我挺清楚的,”瓦里斯说:“是个坚强的男孩,凯冯·兰尼斯特爵士的儿子,泰温大人的侄子,王后的堂弟。
  I hope the dear sweet lad does not blame himself.  真希望这好孩子别太自责。
  Children are so vulnerable in the innocence of their youth, how well do I remember." 孩子在天真无邪的少年时期总是很脆弱的,这我可是深有体会。”
  Certainly Varys had once been young. Ned doubted that he had ever been innocent.  瓦里斯自然有过少年时期,但奈德却怀疑他是否天真无邪过。
  "You mention children. Robert had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen.  “听你说起孩子,关于丹妮莉丝·坦格利安那件事,劳勃已经回心转意。
  Whatever arrangements you made, I want unmade. At once." 无论你安排了什么,我要你立刻收回成命。”
  Alas, said Varys. "At once may be too late. I fear those birds have flown. “唉哟,”瓦里斯说,“‘立刻’恐怕都为时已晚哪。鸟儿已经飞上了天。
  But I shall do what I can, my lord. With your leave."  不过大人,我尽力而为。告退。”
  He bowed and vanished down the steps, his soft-soled slippers whispering against the stone as he made his descent. 他鞠个躬,消失在楼梯下。下楼之时,软跟的拖鞋在石板表面摩擦,宛如呓语。
  Cayn and Tomard were helping Ned across the bridge when Lord Renly emerged from Maegor's Holdfast. 凯恩和托马德正扶着奈德过桥,蓝礼公爵却从梅葛楼里出来。
  "Lord Eddard," he called after Ned, "a moment, if you would be so kind." “艾德大人,”他在身后喊,“若您不介意,可否借一步说话?”
  Ned stopped. "As you wish." 奈德停下脚步。“好。”