冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第694期:第三十三章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   Bring him to me before break of day."  天亮之前必须带他来见我。”

  Cayn bowed and took his leave, and Ned turned to Tomard.  凯恩鞠躬离去,奈德又转向托马德,
  "The Wind Witch sails on the evening tide. Have you chosen the escort?" “风之巫女号明晚涨潮时分启航,你选好随行护卫了吗?”
  Ten men, with Porther in command. “十个人,由波瑟领队。”
  Twenty, and you will command, Ned said. “二十个,你亲自带头。”奈德说。
  Porther was a brave man, but headstrong.  波瑟虽然勇敢,却嫌鲁莽。
  He wanted someone more solid and sensible to keep watch over his daughters. 他希望照顾女儿的人更可靠也更有判断力。
  As you wish, m'lord, Tom said. "Can't say I'll be sad to see the back of this place. I miss the wife." “遵命,老爷,”汤姆说,“说真的,离开这里,我可不会难过。我很想念我老婆。”
  You will pass near Dragonstone when you turn north. I need you to deliver a letter for me. “你们北行途中会靠近龙石岛,我需要你替我送封信。”
  Tom looked apprehensive. "To Dragonstone, m'lord?" 汤姆一脸不安。“大人,去龙石岛?”
  The island fortress of House Targaryen had a sinister repute. 坦格利安家族的这座岛屿要塞素以地势险恶著称。
  Tell Captain Qos to hoist my banner as soon as he comes in sight of the island. “告诉柯斯船长,一旦进入岛屿的视线范围,即刻升上我的旗帜。
  They may be wary of unexpected visitors.  他们恐怕不会欢迎不请自来的访客。
  If he is reluctant, offer him whatever it takes. 如果他不肯去,要多少钱都给他。
  I will give you a letter to place into the hand of Lord Stannis Baratheon. No one else. 我给你的这封信,你必须当面交给史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩大人,绝不能交给别人。
  Not his steward, nor the captain of his guard, nor his lady wife, but only Lord Stannis himself. 不管是他的总管、侍卫队长或他的夫人都一样,一定要交给史坦尼斯公爵本人。”
  As you command, m'lord. “是的,大人。”
  When Tomard had left him, Lord Eddard Stark sat staring at the flame of the candle that burned beside him on the table. 托马德离开后,艾德·史塔克坐着凝望床边桌上的蜡烛明焰,
  For a moment his grief overwhelmed him.  有好一阵子完全被悲伤所淹没。