冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第696期:第三十三章 艾德(18)(在线收听

   Ned chose each word with care.  奈德字斟句酌写完了信,

  When he was done, he signed the letter Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, and Protector of the Realm, 在末尾签上“全境守护者,国王之手,临冬城公爵,艾德·史塔克。”
  blotted the paper, folded it twice, and melted the sealing wax over the candle flame. 然后吸干墨水,对折两次,就着烛焰融了封蜡。
  His regency would be a short one, he reflected as the wax softened. 他的摄政期将会非常短暂,他一边看着封蜡变软,一边想。
  The new king would choose his own Hand. 新王会任命新的首相。
  Ned would be free to go home.  届时奈德便可返家。
  The thought of Winterfell brought a wan smile to his face. 回临冬城的念头牵起他嘴角一丝微笑。
  He wanted to hear Bran's laughter once more, to go hawking with Robb, to watch Rickon at play. 他想重听布兰的欢笑,想和罗柏一同出外放鹰,想看瑞肯玩耍嬉闹。
  He wanted to drift off to a dreamless sleep in his own bed with his arms wrapped tight around his lady, Catelyn. 他想双手紧紧搂着自己的夫人凯特琳,躺在自己的床上无梦安眠。
  Cayn returned as he was pressing the direwolf seal down into the soft white wax.  他正把冰原狼印章盖在柔软的白蜡上时,凯恩回来了,
  Desmond was with him, and between them Littlefinger. 戴斯蒙跟他一道,小指头则走在两人中间。
  Ned thanked his guards and sent them away. 奈德向侍卫道谢后把他俩遣开。
  Lord Petyr was clad in a blue velvet tunic with puffed sleeves, his silvery cape patterned with mockingbirds. 培提尔伯爵穿着蓝天鹅绒外衣,带着宽松的袖子,银边斗篷上绣满仿声鸟。
  "I suppose congratulations are in order," he said as he seated himself. “我想我该说恭喜啰。”他边说边坐下。
  Ned scowled. "The king lies wounded and near to death." 奈德皱眉。“国王此刻身负重伤,命在旦夕。”
  I know, Littlefinger said. "I also know that Robert has named you Protector of the Realm." “我知道,”小指头说,“但我也知道他任命您为全境守护者。”