冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第697期:第三十三章 艾德(19)(在线收听

   Ned's eyes flicked to the king's letter on the table beside him, its seal unbroken.  奈德的视线飘到身旁桌上,国王的信还未拆封。

  "And how is it you know that, my lord?" “大人,请问您又是怎么知道的?”
  Varys hinted as much, Littlefinger said, "and you have just confirmed it." “瓦里斯的暗示,”小指头说,“而您现在证实了。”
  Ned's mouth twisted in anger. "Damn Varys and his little birds. 奈德的嘴因愤怒而扭曲:“去他的瓦里斯和他的小小鸟儿。
  Catelyn spoke truly, the man has some black art. I do not trust him." 凯特琳说得没错,这人懂妖法。我不信任他。”
  Excellent. You're learning. Littlefinger leaned forward.  “很好,你慢慢学乖了。”小指头向前靠,
  "Yet I'll wager you did not drag me here in the black of night to discuss the eunuch." “可我敢打赌你大半夜把我拖来,不是来讨论太监的。”
  No, Ned admitted. "I know the secret Jon Arryn was murdered to protect.  “不是,”奈德承认,“我知道了琼恩·艾林保守的秘密,他便是因此遭人灭口。
  Robert will leave no trueborn son behind him. 劳勃死后没有亲生儿子可以继承王位。
  Joffrey and Tommen are Jaime Lannister's bastards, born of his incestuous union with the queen." 乔佛里和托曼是詹姆·兰尼斯特和王后乱伦产下的私生子。”
  Littlefinger lifted an eyebrow.  小指头扬起一道眉毛。
  "Shocking," he said in a tone that suggested he was not shocked at all. “令人震惊。”然而他的语气显然完全不感惊讶。
  "The girl as well? No doubt. So when the king dies ... " “女孩也是?想也知道。所以国王死后……”
  The throne by rights passes to Lord Stannis, the elder of Robert's two brothers. “王位应传给史坦尼斯大人,劳勃最年长的弟弟。”
  Lord Petyr stroked his pointed beard as he considered the matter. 培提尔伯爵捻着尖胡子,仔细思索这个问题。
  "So it would seem. Unless ... " “看来是如此。除非……”
  Unless, my lord? There is no seeming to this. “大人,除非?这事没有任何疑问。
  Stannis is the heir. Nothing can change that. 史坦尼斯是王位继承人,没有什么可以改变这事实。”
  Stannis cannot take the throne without your help. “缺了你的协助,史坦尼斯得不到王位。
  If you're wise, you'll make certain Joffrey succeeds. 如果你够聪明,应该确保乔佛里登基为王。”