冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第698期:第三十三章 艾德(20)(在线收听

   Ned gave him a stony stare.  奈德狠狠地瞪了他一眼。

  "Have you no shred of honor?" “你一点荣誉心都没有吗?”
  "Oh, a shred, surely," Littlefinger replied negligently. "Hear me out.  “哎,有当然是有那么一点点啦。” 小指头漫不经心地回答,“仔细听我说。
  Stannis is no friend of yours, nor of mine. Even his brothers can scarcely stomach him. 史坦尼斯并非你我之友,连他兄弟两人都受不了他。
  The man is iron, hard and unyielding.  这家伙是钢铁铸的,个性强硬、绝不妥协。
  He'll give us a new Hand and a new council, for a certainty. 想也知道,届时他会另立新的首相和御前会议。
  No doubt he'll thank you for handing him the crown, but he won't love you for it. 他当然会谢谢你把王冠交给他,但他不会因此而喜欢你。
  And his ascent will mean war. 更何况他一旦登基,必定会引来战事。
  Stannis cannot rest easy on the throne until Cersei and her bastards are dead. 你想想,除非瑟曦和她的私生子通通死光,否则史坦尼斯的王位绝对坐不安稳。
  Do you think Lord Tywin will sit idly while his daughter's head is measured for a spike? 泰温大人会坐视他女儿的头给晾在枪上吗?
  Casterly Rock will rise, and not alone. 凯岩城肯定会起兵,而他们绝非势单力薄。
  Robert found it in him to pardon men who served King Aerys, so long as they did him fealty. 劳勃愿意赦免曾在伊里斯王手下做事的人,只要他们向他宣誓效忠。
  Stannis is less forgiving. 史坦尼斯可没这么好心肠。
  He will not have forgotten the siege of Storm's End, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dare not. 他永远不会忘记风息堡之围,提利尔大人和雷德温大人则是不敢忘记。
  Every man who fought beneath the dragon banner or rose with Balon Greyjoy will have good cause to fear. 只要曾经高举火龙旗帜,或与巴隆·葛雷乔伊一同兴兵作乱的人都会怕他。
  Seat Stannis on the Iron Throne and I promise you, the realm will bleed. 若是把史坦尼斯送上铁王座,我敢向你保证,王国会血流成河。”
  "Now look at the other side of the coin. “我们再看看钱币的另一面。
  Joffrey is but twelve, and Robert gave you the regency, my lord. You are the Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm.  乔佛里眼下才十二岁,而且大人,劳勃选的摄政王是你啊。你既是首相,又是全境守护者。