冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第700期:第三十三章 艾德(22)(在线收听

   Littlefinger sighed. "I fear I did forget, my lord. Pray forgive me.  小指头叹口气。“恐怕我真是忘了,大人,请您原谅。

  For a moment I did not remember that I was talking to a Stark."  我居然忘了自己在跟史塔克家的人说话。”
  His mouth quirked. "So it will be Stannis, and war?" 他撇撇嘴。“所以就是史坦尼斯和战争?”
  It is not a choice. Stannis is the heir. “我们别无选择,史坦尼斯是继承人。”
  Far be it from me to dispute the Lord Protector. “反正我也没资格和全境守护者争辩。
  What would you have of me, then? 那么,您找我有何贵干?
  Not my wisdom, for a certainty. 想必不是为了我的智慧。”
  I shall do my best to forget your ... wisdom, Ned said with distaste.  “我会尽我所能忘记你的……智慧,”奈德嫌恶地说,
  "I called you here to ask for the help you promised Catelyn. “我找你来,是因为你答应过凯特琳会帮忙。
  This is a perilous hour for all of us. 眼下对我们每个人都是危险时刻。
  Robert has named me Protector, true enough, but in the eyes of the world, Joffrey is still his son and heir. 劳勃的确任命我为守护者,但在世人眼中,乔佛里依旧是他的儿子和继承人。
  The queen has a dozen knights and a hundred men-at-arms who will do whatever she commands ...  王后身边有十来个骑士和上百名侍卫听候差遣……
  enough to overwhelm what remains of my own household guard. 足够对付我留在身边的护卫。
  And for all I know, her brother Jaime may be riding for King's Landing even as we speak, with a Lannister host at his back." 况且就在我们说话的当口,她弟弟詹姆很可能正率领兰尼斯特大军,浩浩荡荡朝君临开来。”
  And you without an army. “而你却没有军队。”
  Littlefinger toyed with the dagger on the table, turning it slowly with a finger. 小指头把玩着桌上的匕首,用一根指头缓缓旋转。
  "There is small love lost between Lord Renly and the Lannisters. “蓝礼大人和兰尼斯特家之间素无好感。
  Bronze Yohn Royce, Sir Balon Swann, Sir Loras, Lady Tanda, the Redwyne twins ... each of them has a retinue of knights and sworn swords here at court." 青铜约恩·罗伊斯,巴隆·史文爵士,洛拉斯爵士,坦妲伯爵夫人,还有雷德温家的双胞胎……他们各自有一批骑士和侍卫在城里。”