冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第702期:第三十四章 琼恩(1)(在线收听

   Littlefinger laughed. "I ought to make you say it, but that would be cruel ... so have no fear, my good lord. 小指头笑道:“我应该逼你亲口说出来的,但那样太残忍啦……所以我亲爱的好大人,您别担心。

  For the sake of the love I bear for Catelyn, I will go to Janos Slynt this very hour and make certain that the City Watch is yours. 为着我对凯特琳的爱,我这就去找杰诺斯·史林特,确保都城守卫队站在您这边。
  Six thousand gold pieces should do it. 六千金龙应该足够。
  A third for the Commander, a third for the officers, a third for the men. 三分之一给司令,三分之一给各层士官,剩下的三分之一留给士兵。
  We might be able to buy them for half that much, but I prefer not to take chances." 本来用这价钱的一半或许也行,不过我还是别冒险的好。”
  Smiling, he plucked up the dagger and offered it to Ned, hilt first. 他面露微笑,拾起匕首交还奈德,刀柄朝向对方。
  Jon. Jon was breaking his fast on apple cakes and blood sausage when Samwell Tarly plopped himself down on the bench.  琼恩。山姆威尔·塔利扑通一声坐上长凳时,琼恩正吃着早餐的苹果蛋糕和血香肠。
  "I've been summoned to the sept," Sam said in an excited whisper. “我也要去圣堂了,”山姆难掩兴奋地悄声说,
  "They're passing me out of training. I'm to be made a brother with the rest of you. Can you believe it?" “他们打算让我通过测试,跟你们一起成为正式的黑衣弟兄。你敢相信吗?”
  No, truly? Truly. I'm to assist Maester Aemon with the library and the birds. “不相信。这是真的?”“真的真的。我被派去协助伊蒙师傅管理图书室和鸟儿。
  He needs someone who can read and write letters. 他需要一个能读会写的帮手。”
  You'll do well at that, Jon said, smiling. “相信你一定愉快胜任。”琼恩微笑说道。
  Sam glanced about anxiously.  山姆不安地环顾四周。
  "Is it time to go? I shouldn't be late, they might change their minds." “我们是不是该去了?我们最好不要迟到,免得他们改变主意。”
  He was fairly bouncing as they crossed the weed-strewn courtyard. 他们走过长满杂草的庭院时,他一直蹦蹦跳跳。