冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第703期:第三十四章 琼恩(2)(在线收听

   The day was warm and sunny. 天气温润而清朗,

  Rivulets of water trickled down the sides of the Wall, so the ice seemed to sparkle and shine. 晶莹的水滴沿着长城流淌而下,冰层在阳光下闪闪发光。
  Inside the sept, the great crystal caught the morning light as it streamed through the south-facing window and spread it in a rainbow on the altar.  圣堂里,晨光从面南的窗子倾泄进来,射进当中的大水晶,散出七彩虹光,映着祭坛。
  Pyp's mouth dropped open when he caught sight of Sam, and Toad poked Grenn in the ribs, but no one dared say a word. 派普一见山姆,嘴巴顿时张得老大,陶德则碰了一下葛兰,但没人敢说话。
  Septon Celladar was swinging a censer, filling the air with fragrant incense that reminded Jon of Lady Stark's little sept in Winterfell. 赛勒达修士手中摇晃着一个小香炉,溢得满室馨香,琼恩不禁想起史塔克夫人在临冬城的小圣堂祈祷的情景。
  For once the septon seemed sober. 修士这次很难得没有喝醉。
  The high officers arrived in a body; Maester Aemon leaning on Clydas, Sir Alliser cold-eyed and grim,  高级官员一齐抵达。伊蒙师傅倚靠着克莱达斯,艾里沙爵士冷眼峻脸,
  Lord Commander Mormont resplendent in a black wool doublet with silvered bear claw fastenings. 莫尔蒙司令一身华服,黑羊毛外衣,银边熊爪扣。
  Behind them came the senior members of the three orders: 在他们后面是三个职业的负责人:
  red-faced Bowen Marsh the Lord Steward, First Builder Othell Yarwyck, and Sir Jaremy Rykker, who commanded the rangers in the absence of Benjen Stark. 总务长波文·马尔锡,首席工匠奥赛尔·亚威克,以及暂代班扬·史塔克指挥游骑兵的杰瑞米·莱克爵士。
  Mormont stood before the altar, the rainbow shining on his bald head.  莫尔蒙站在祭坛前,七彩虹光在他的光头上闪闪发亮
  "You came to us outlaws," he began, "poachers, rapers, debtors, killers, and thieves. 。“你们来时为法律所不容,”他开口,“盗猎、强奸、欠债、杀人、偷抢拐骗。