冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第704期:第三十四章 琼恩(3)(在线收听

   You came to us children. You came to us alone, in chains, with neither friends nor honor. 你们来时尚为孩童,一身孑然,身负枷锁,既无友朋,更无荣誉。

  You came to us rich, and you came to us poor. 你们来时或富贵荣禄,或赤贫如洗。
  Some of you bear the names of proud houses. 你们来自豪门望族,
  Others have only bastards' names, or no names at all. It makes no matter.  或仅有私生子之名,甚或藉藉无名,但这些都不重要。
  All that is past now. 一切皆成过去。
  On the Wall, we are all one house. 长城之上,我们都是一家人。”
  "At evenfall, as the sun sets and we face the gathering night, you shall take your vows. “今日傍晚,夕阳西沉,低垂夜幕之下,你们便将宣誓。
  From that moment, you will be a Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch. 从此以后,你们就是誓言效命的守夜人弟兄。
  Your crimes will be washed away, your debts forgiven. 你们的罪名将被洗清,债务业已勾销,
  So too you must wash away your former loyalties, put aside your grudges, forget old wrongs and old loves alike. 同样,你们必须抹去从前的家族忠诚,抛开旧时的仇恨,忘却过往的情爱恩怨。
  Here you begin anew. 你们将于兹重获新生。”
  A man of the Night's Watch lives his life for the realm.  “守夜人为王国效命。
  Not for a king, nor a lord, nor the honor of this house or that house,  非为国王,非为贵族,亦非为豪门荣辱,
  neither for gold nor glory nor a woman's love, but for the realm, and all the people in it. 不论财富,不论光荣,亦不论儿女情爱,一切只为王国安泰及其子民平安。
  A man of the Night's Watch takes no wife and fathers no sons. 守夜人不娶妻,不生子,
  Our wife is duty. Our mistress is honor. And you are the only sons we shall ever know." 我们以责任为妻,以荣誉为妾,而你们则是我们惟一的儿子。”