冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第705期:第三十四章 琼恩(4)(在线收听

   You have learned the words of the vow.  “你们已经听过了誓言内容。

  Think carefully before you say them, for once you have taken the black, there is no turning back.  在发誓前请仔细考虑,一旦穿上黑衣,便永无退路。
  The penalty for desertion is death. 背离职守是惟一死刑。”
  The Old Bear paused for a moment before he said, "Are there any among you who wish to leave our company? 熊老暂停片刻,然后继续,“你们之中有没有人想离开?
  If so, go now, and no one shall think the less of you." 如果有,现在就走,我们绝不会因此而看轻你。”
  No one moved. 无人移动。
  Well and good, said Mormont. "You may take your vows here at evenfall, before Septon Celladar and the first of your order. “很好,”莫尔蒙道,“傍晚时分,你们回到这里,当着赛勒达修士和你们所属组织首席的面宣誓。
  Do any of you keep to the old gods?" 你们中有信仰旧神的吗?”
  Jon stood. "I do, my lord." 琼恩站起来。“有的,大人。”
  I expect you will want to say your words before a heart tree, as your uncle did, Mormont said. “我想你或许情愿跟你叔叔一样,在心树之下宣誓。”莫尔蒙说。
  Yes, my lord, Jon said. The gods of the sept had nothing to do with him; the blood of the First Men flowed in the veins of the Starks. “是的,大人。”琼恩道。圣堂的诸神与他无关。先民的血液依旧流淌在史塔克家人体内。
  He heard Grenn whispering behind him. "There's no godswood here. Is there? 他听见葛兰在背后低语:“这里没有神木林罢,对不对?
  I never saw a godswood." 我从来没发现。”
  You wouldn't see a herd of aurochs until they trampled you into the snow, Pyp whispered back. “你啊,就算一群野牛迎面冲来,等它们把你踩进雪里,你也没发现。”派普悄声回答。
  I would so, Grenn insisted. "I'd see them a long way off." “我会啦,”葛兰坚持,“我大老远就会看见它们。”
  Mormont himself confirmed Grenn's doubts.  莫尔蒙倒是证实了葛兰的疑虑。
  "Castle Black has no need of a godswood. “黑城堡无需神木林。