冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第706期:第三十四章 琼恩(5)(在线收听

   Beyond the Wall the haunted forest stands as it stood in the Dawn Age, long before the Andals brought the Seven across the narrow sea. 鬼影森林早在安达尔人将七神带过狭海前的黎明纪元便已耸立在长城之外,至今依然。

  You will find a grove of weirwoods half a league from this spot, and mayhap your gods as well." 由此向北半里格你会找到一片鱼梁木,或许也会找到你的神。”
  My lord. The voice made Jon glance back in surprise. Samwell Tarly was on his feet. The fat boy wiped his sweaty palms against his tunic.  “大人,”琼恩惊讶地回头,看见肥胖的山姆威尔·塔利站了起来,将满是汗水的手掌在衣服上抹了抹。
  "Might I ... might I go as well? To say my words at this heart tree?" “我能……我能不能跟他一起去?到心树下宣誓?”
  Does House Tarly keep the old gods too? Mormont asked. “塔利家族莫非信奉旧神?”莫尔蒙问。
  No, my lord, Sam replied in a thin, nervous voice.  “不是的,大人,”山姆用尖细而紧张的声音回答。
  The high officers frightened him, Jon knew, the Old Bear most of all. 琼恩知道官员们很叫他害怕,熊老尤甚。
  "I was named in the light of the Seven at the sept on Horn Hill, as my father was, and his father, and all the Tarlys for a thousand years." “我在七神的荣光照耀下,在角陵的圣堂里举行了命名仪式。我父亲如此,他的父亲亦如此,千年来塔利家族世代如此。”
  Why would you forsake the gods of your father and your House? wondered Sir Jaremy Rykker. “那么……你为何要抛弃令尊和你家族长久以来信仰的诸神呢?”杰瑞米·莱克爵士很好奇。
  The Night's Watch is my House now, Sam said. "The Seven have never answered my prayers. Perhaps the old gods will." “如今我以守夜人军团为家,”山姆信誓旦旦地说,“七神从未回应我的祈祷,或许旧神会呢。”
  As you wish, boy, Mormont said. “那就这样,小子。”莫尔蒙说。
  Sam took his seat again, as did Jon. 山姆和琼恩返身坐下。
  "We have placed each of you in an order, as befits our need and your own strengths and skills." “依照我们的需求,以及你们自身的能力和技巧,你们将被分配到不同的岗位。”
  Bowen Marsh stepped forward and handed him a paper. 波文·马尔锡前跨一步,交给他一张纸。