冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第707期:第三十四章 琼恩(6(在线收听

   The Lord Commander unrolled it and began to read. "Haider, to the builders," he began.  总司令摊开纸,“霍德,加入工匠,”他开始念,

  Haider gave a stiff nod of approval. "Grenn, to the rangers. Albett, to the builders. Pypar, to the rangers." 只见霍德僵硬而激动地点了点头,“葛兰,加入游骑兵。阿贝特,加入工匠。派普尔,加入游骑兵,”
  Pyp looked over at Jon and wiggled his ears.  派普看看琼恩,兴奋地摇耳朵。
  "Samwell, to the stewards."  “山姆威尔,加入事务官。”
  Sam sagged with relief, mopping at his brow with a scrap of silk. 山姆如释重负地叹了口气,忙掏出一块丝巾擦干额头。
  "Matthar, to the rangers. “梅沙,加入游骑兵。
  Dareon, to the stewards. 戴利恩,加入事务官。
  Todder, to the rangers.  陶德,加入游骑兵。
  Jon, to the stewards." 琼恩,加入事务官。”
  The stewards? For a moment Jon could not believe what he had heard.  事务官?一时之间琼恩简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。
  Mormont must have read it wrong. 莫尔蒙一定是念错了。
  He started to rise, to open his mouth, to tell them there had been a mistake ...  他正准备站起来申诉,告诉他们弄错了……
  and then he saw Sir Alliser studying him, eyes shiny as two flakes of obsidian, and he knew. 却看见艾里沙爵士正审视着自己,双眼闪亮犹如黑曜石块,他顿时恍然大悟。
  The Old Bear rolled up the paper. 熊老卷起纸。
  "Your firsts will instruct you in your duties. May all the gods preserve you, brothers." “你们各自的首席长官会介绍你们的职责所在。弟兄们,愿天上诸神眷顾你们。”
  The Lord Commander favored them with a half bow, and took his leave.  总司令向他们微微颔首致意,便即离开。
  Sir Alliser went with him, a thin smile on his face. 艾里沙爵士跟他一道,脸上挂着一抹浅浅的微笑。
  Jon had never seen the master-at-arms took quite so happy. 琼恩从没见教头这么开心过。
  Rangers with me, Sir Jaremy Rykker called when they were gone. “游骑兵跟我来。”等他们走后,杰瑞米·莱克爵士喊。
  Pyp was staring at Jon as he got slowly to his feet. His ears were red.  派普慢慢站立,眼睛却盯着琼恩,双耳通红。
  Grenn, grinning broadly, did not seem to realize that anything was amiss. 葛兰开心地嘻笑,丝毫未察觉有何不对。