冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第708期:第三十四章 琼恩(7)(在线收听

   Matt and Toad fell in beside them, and they followed Sir Jaremy from the sept. 梅沙和陶德走到他们旁边,跟随杰瑞米爵士离开圣堂。

  Builders, announced lantern-jawed Othell Yarwyck. Haider and Albett trailed out after him. “工匠。”生着灯笼下巴的奥赛尔·亚威克随即宣布,然后霍德和阿贝特也跟他走了。
  Jon looked around him in sick disbelief. 琼恩满心嫌恶地环顾四周。
  Maester Aemon's blind eyes were raised toward the light he could not see.  只见伊蒙学士的盲眼正朝他看不见的光源望去,
  The septon was arranging crystals on the altar. 修士正在那里整理祭坛的水晶。
  Only Sam and Darcon remained on the benches; a fat boy, a singer ... and him. 山姆和戴利恩还坐在板凳上,一个胖子,一个歌手……还有他。
  Lord Steward Bowen Marsh rubbed his plump hands together.  总务长波文·马尔锡搓搓他的胖手。
  "Samwell, you will assist Maester Aemon in the rookery and library. “山姆威尔,你去帮伊蒙学士管理鸟笼和图书室。
  Chett is going to the kennels, to help with the hounds. 齐特已被调去犬栏照顾猎狗,
  You shall have his cell, so as to be close to the maester night and day.  你就住他那间屋,以便随时照顾学士的起居。
  I trust you will take good care of him. He is very old and very precious to us. 希望你好好工作,他老人家年事已高,对我们更是弥足珍贵。”
  "Dareon, I am told that you sang at many a high lord's table and shared their meat and mead. We are sending you to Eastwatch. “戴利恩,我听说你在不少高官老爷面前表演过,也见过一点世面,所以我们派你去东海望协助卡特·派克。
  It may be your palate will be some help to Cotter Pyke when merchant galleys come trading. 等商船前来交易时,你的本领或许能派上用场。
  We are paying too dear for salt beef and pickled fish, and the quality of the olive oil we're getting has been frightful,  近来腌牛肉和咸鱼的价格高得惊人,橄榄油的品质则是烂得吓人。
  Present yourself to Borcas when you arrive, he will keep you busy between ships." 你到了之后先找波卡斯,他会交代你如何与商船交涉。”