冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第709期:第三十四章 琼恩(8)(在线收听

   Marsh turned his smile on Jon. 马尔锡微笑着转头望向琼恩。

  "Lord Commander Mormont has requested you for his personal steward, Jon. “琼恩,莫尔蒙司令特别要你当他的私人事务官。
  You'll sleep in a cell beneath his chambers, in the Lord Commander's tower." 你将睡在他卧室楼下的那间房里,住在司令塔里面。”
  And what will my duties be? “请问我的职责又是什么?”
  Jon asked sharply. "Will I serve the Lord Commander's meals, help him fasten his clothes, fetch hot water for his bath?" 琼恩尖锐地问,“是不是要帮总司令打理三餐,伺候他更衣,为他打热水洗澡?”
  Certainly. Marsh frowned at Jon's tone. “没有错。”马尔锡听了琼恩的口气,皱起眉头。
  "And you will run his messages, keep a fire burning in his chambers, change his sheets and blankets daily, “除此之外,你还要替他跑腿,为他房间生火,每天换洗床单和毛毯,
  and do all else that the Lord Commander might require of you." 以及承担总司令要你做的其他事情。”
  Do you take me for a servant? “你当我是下人么?”
  No, Maester Aemon said, from the back of the sept. “不,”圣堂后方的伊蒙学士说。
  Clydas helped him stand. 克莱达斯扶他站起来。
  "We took you for a man of the Night's Watch ... but perhaps we were wrong in that." “我们当你是守夜人的汉子……不过或许我们错看了你。”
  It was all Jon could do to stop himself from walking out. 琼恩竭尽所能地克制自己,方才没有掉头离去。
  Was he supposed to churn butter and sew doublets like a girl for the rest of his days? 难道他就要像女孩子家一样整天切奶油,缝衣服度过一生?
  "May I go?" he asked stiffly. “我可以离开吗?”他僵硬地问。
  As you wish, Bowen Marsh responded. “去罢。”波文·马尔锡回答。
  Dareon and Sam left with him. 戴利恩和山姆与他一道离去。
  They descended to the yard in silence. 他们默默地走回广场,
  Outside, Jon looked up at the Wall shining in the sun, the melting ice creeping down its side in a hundred thin fingers. 琼恩抬头看着阳光下闪耀的长城,融化的冰水仿如千百根纤细的手指向下流淌。
  Jon's rage was such that he would have smashed it all in an instant, and the world be damned. 他恼怒至极,恨不得立刻就把整座长城敲个粉碎,管他世界死活。