冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第710期:第三十四章 琼恩(9)(在线收听

   Jon, Samwell Tarly said excitedly. "Wait. Don't you see what they're doing?" “琼恩,”山姆威尔·塔利兴奋地说,“等等我们,你看不出他们的用意吗?”

  Jon turned on him in a fury.  琼恩大怒转头。
  "I see Sir Alliser's bloody hand, that's all I see. “我只看出这是艾里沙爵士搞的鬼。
  He wanted to shame me, and he has." 他想羞辱我,这下他可遂心愿了。”
  Dareon gave him a look.  戴利恩看了他一眼。
  "The stewards are fine for the likes of you and me, Sam, but not for Lord Snow." “山姆,叫你我这种人当当总务不成问题,但雪诺大人厉害着呢。”
  I'm a better swordsman and a better rider than any of you, Jon blazed back. "It's not fair!" “废话,不论使剑、骑马我都比你们行,”琼恩火冒三丈地反击,“这太不公平了!”
  Fair? Dareon sneered. "The girl was waiting for me, naked as the day she was born. She pulled me through the window,  “公平?”戴利恩嗤之以鼻。“当年那小妞脱得精光,活像刚打娘胎里出生一般等着我,还是她把我从窗户里拉进去的。
  and you talk to me of fair?" He walked off. 你倒是告诉我什么叫做公平?”他气愤地走开了。
  There is no shame in being a steward, Sam said. “当个事务官没什么可耻的。”山姆说。
  Do you think I want to spend the rest of my life washing an old man's smallclothes? “你要我洗一辈子老头的内衣裤吗?”
  The old man is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Sam reminded him. "You'll be with him day and night. “这老头可是堂堂守夜人军团总司令,”山姆提醒他,“而你则会日夜跟他相处。
  Yes, you'll pour his wine and see that his bed linen is fresh, but you'll also take his letters, attend him at meetings, squire for him in battle. 没错,你是得帮他倒酒,换洗被单,但你也会替他送信,随他参加会议,打仗的时候当他的侍从。
  You'll be as close to him as his shadow. 你会跟他形影不离,
  You'll know everything, be a part of everything ... and the Lord Steward said Mormont asked for you himself! 大小事务你都会知情,甚至能施加影响……更何况总务长说是莫尔蒙特别指定要你的!”
  When I was little, my father used to insist that I attend him in the audience chamber whenever he held court. “我小时候,每当父亲开庭理事,总是坚持要我参加;
  When he rode to Highgarden to bend his knee to Lord Tyrell, he made me come.  每次他去高庭提利尔大人输诚,也一定带我去。